This post was written by Jon Davies, Chief Executive
Last week, while on a short holiday in Paris, I made an afternoon visit to the offices of Wikimedia France.
As ever I got a great welcome and excellent coffee. Their current offices are near the Seine and the Gare de Lyons in an apartment which though not ideal and quite expensive is rather nice all the same.
Apart from meeting the staff and delivering our latest publications it was a chance to meet their new Executive Director Nathalie Martin, my equivalent in the French chapter. Nathalie was still smiling after over a full month in post despite having to come up to speed with all the comings and goings of the wiki world and, deep breath, having to become fluent in English. She seems to be doing well on the latter front and we were able to rabbit away in a mixture of my ‘imaginative’ French and her rapidly improving English.
Wikimedia France is hoping to move to more appropriate premises soon but if you are in Paris drop in and say ‘bonjour’ – the coffee alone makes it worth the trip.