
S e Wikimedia carthannas nàiseanta na Rìoghachd Aonaichte a tha airson brosnachadh na gluaiseachd cruinneil airson fhiosrachaidh fosgailte. Ann an Alba, obraichidh sinn le pàirtichean de dh’iomadh seòrsa airson luchd-amhairc cruinneil a thoirt dhan dualchas cultarach beart againn, agus airson comasan na litearras didseatach a leasachadh

Wikimedia UK works with a wide variety of partners in Scotland to give our rich cultural heritage a global audience through engagement with the Wikimedia Projects such as Wikipedia. We also work in partnership with the education sector to improve digital literacy skills, with a particular focus on information and data literacy.

Wikimedia UK is the national charity for the roon-the-warld Wikimedia apen knawledge muivement. In Scotland, we wark we a richt braid boorach o pairtner tae gie oor rich cultural heirskip a warld-wide audience, and tae heist up digital leeteracy kennin an skills.
Scotland Programme Manager
Scotland has has seven Residents, with partners including the University of Edinburgh, and the National Library of Scotland. Each residency is unique, but bound by a common thread: to work as a bridge between the institution and the Wikimedia community. There are those who volunteer independently from partner organisations, and our Scotland Programme Manager, Dr Sara Thomas, also supports these efforts.
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By Dr Sara Thomas, Scotland Programme Manager for Wikimedia UK and organiser of the Community Meeting On Sunday 26th November … Continue reading “WMUK 2023 Community Meeting – videos and opportunities”
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Levi White is an FE Lecturer in Social Sciences at New College Lanarkshire. After working with Wikimedia UK on the West Boathouse’s “Play … Continue reading “New College Lanarkshire: Become a Wikimedian Course”