Towards the end of 2013 there was an interesting discussion on a Wikimedia-related email list regarding whether the movement should accept donations in alternative currencies, such as Bitcoin.
During this discussion, Wikimedia UK Trustee Chris Keating remarked that: “other forms of money that we do not currently accept include gold coins, Yap money, Tesco Clubcard Points, cowrie shells and cattle… though if anyone wants to donate a herd of cattle to Wikimedia UK, please could they let the office know in advance.”
Well, we certainly didn’t get any advance notice, but today saw the delivery of this herd of cattle. As you can see, Peter the Platypus is already making them feel welcome – and no doubt making sure they know not to put ginger nut biscuits in with any other biscuit.
This does raise some questions: Does anyone have any tips on how to care for plastic cattle? Who is the kind-hearted yet anonymous donor that sent us this generous gift and how can we say thank you? What should the cattle be called? And did they sign a gift aid declaration?
You have two cows. You get Gift Aid on them. You now have two and two-third cows.
Are these cows vegan?
If they breed will the calves be eligible for gift aid or will they actaully BE gift aid?
Gordon, I asked them. They are undecided but will ruminate on it for a while…
Platypus are bigger than I thought they were.