Inspiring Change: A peak into our mission and purpose

  • May 14, 2024

At Wikimedia UK, we believe that open access to knowledge isn’t just a right, it’s a catalyst for progress. We are committed to and are motivated by our vision of a more informed, democratic and equitable society through open knowledge and digital literacy. That’s why we are constantly exploring compelling and innovative ways of demonstrating our impact and expanding our reach.

Creative storytelling

With support from Ritzy Animation studio, we recently developed and launched a series of exciting animated videos that help to explain our mission and purpose and also articulate why you should support our work. Part of a broader digital storytelling campaign, the four videos provide an organisational overview of Wikimedia UK and simplified explanations of our key strategic themes; Knowledge Equity, Information Literacy, and Climate and the Environment.

To support Wikimedia UK projects and programmes in Wales, the videos are also available in Welsh language versions.

Introduction to Wikimedia UK. Image attributions.

Our strategic themes

Knowledge Equity

Despite our world being a lot more digitally connected today, many people and voices from across the globe still remain invisible and unheard. We envision societies where Wikimedia projects reflect the universe in all its diversity and are free from systemic bias. Knowledge Equity sits at the heart of our programmes, with much of the work delivered through partnerships with a wide range of institutions across the UK.

Knowledge Equity. Image attributions.

Information Literacy

To successfully navigate today’s increasingly complex online landscape requires specific knowledge and digital skills. Information literacy helps to protect people from misinformation and disinformation. Wikimedia UK works with educators, policymakers and other institutions to develop and advocate for a greater understanding of knowledge creation. We facilitate free access to high quality, diverse, and unbiased digital information through training, collaboration, and partnership. 

Information Literacy. Image attributions.

Climate and the Environment

A new strategic theme for 2022-25, this recognises the accelerating global climate emergency and Wikimedia’s critical role in providing up-to-date, accurate and unbiased information about the impact of climate change on the planet. We work with climate organisations and experts to improve climate change content on Wikimedia. Our work equips and empowers people to make informed decisions at a time of great urgency. 

Climate and Environment. Image attributions.

What we hope to achieve

Our goal is to expand our reach by connecting with new audiences, igniting curiosity, and inspiring action. We believe that every person in the world has the right to access the sum of all human knowledge. So, through these captivating narratives, and vibrant visuals, we hope to demystify ambiguous concepts and inspire people to support our work and actively contribute to Wikimedia projects through editing, volunteering, attending events, and other initiatives. You can also support us by donating towards our various programmes so that we can continue educating and equipping more people for even greater impact.

Join the cause

We hope these videos provide helpful insight into our work and invite you to join our efforts to democratise knowledge. We’d be keen to have a chat to explore what Wikimedia UK can do for you, your organisation, or your community. It matters not whether you’re a seasoned editor or someone new to our are of work, there’s plenty of space for everyone in the world of Wikimedia.

Together, let’s harness the power of open knowledge and information literacy to build a brighter, more informed future for generations to come!

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