The Wikipedia Contribution Team was founded in 2010 to help with the Wikimedia Fundraiser and to help encourage people to edit and build community spirit. Since 2010, their numbers have increased from 10 participants to over 40 and growing! The team has begun their Backlog Drive – which aims to severely reduce the backlogs on Wikipedia in 6 weeks – and now they have started real-life outreach to help encourage members of the public to edit.
It started with an event at Imperial College, London. On the 9th of February, six Wikipedians joined the Imperial College Wikipedia Society to hand out leaflets and encourage students to edit. They also spoke to the college’s librarian about possible collaboration in future between Wikipedia and the library. The event was a roaring success with future events planned at Imperial College over the next few weeks.
However, the biggest success has been the amount of interest the program has garnered from other Universities. People from institutions as diverse as the Open University to the University of Sheffield have been interested in having events held in conjunction with their college. Because of this, the Contribution Team is happy to announce a series of events, funded with the help of Wikimedia UK, at various Universities throughout Britain. This includes the Universities of Sheffield, Manchester, Nottingham and Leeds.
If you would like to take part in these events, as a volunteer or simply as someone who would like to watch, please consider signing up at the Wikipedia Contribution Team Events page. They would love to have you!
Re: Title
Unfortunately the exclamation mark after the word ‘Drive’ makes it look like ‘Drivel’, which probably wasn’t the effect you were seeking.
Thanks for pointing that out – fixed. 🙂
Great, but it still comes up as University Recruitment Drive! in the hideable banner at the top of every normal page…
Hi There
Websites like http://www.getting-in.co.uk have access to lots of students!
Great initiative. Have tweeted it to my academic colleagues. They all hate Wikipedia.
I have enjoyed useing the Wikipedia website it give me the chance to do the things like posting info from my Football carrears.
I tooo like wikipedia web site and its a very good thing that you are going to collaborate in future between Wikipedia and the library.