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Our Education Programe

Improving the digital literacy skills of students, staff, and the general public through Wikimedia projects.

Strategic Report 2023-2024

Strategic Report 2023/2024

Highlighting and celebrating the achievements and vital activities of Wikimedia UK's staff, volunteers, and supporters during 2023-2024.

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Inspiring Change

An overview of our mission and purpose, and a breakdown of our strategic themes through creative storytelling.

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What we do

Empowering communities and enabling the long-term sustainable development and use of open knowledge in the UK.

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Wikimedia UK believes that open access to knowledge is a fundamental right, and a driver for social and economic development. Open knowledge and free access mean no barriers and no paywalls. Our projects share the vision of freely creating, distributing and consuming knowledge which represents human diversity.

“There is no greater gift to humanity than free access to knowledge and information. The work of our community –  our volunteer editors  – is a tremendous service which supports equality of access, builds knowledge, recognises diverse individuals and communities and in doing so, has a huge positive impact on our democratic way of life.”

Monisha Shah, Chair of Trustees, Wikimedia UK

Support Wikimedia UK

Whether you make a single gift or pledge a monthly donation, together we will achieve our vision of a world where every single human being can share in the sum of all knowledge.


Through partnerships in the cultural and education sectors, Wikimedia UK develops and promotes new ways to engage people in the Wikimedia projects. Our partnerships also work to remove barriers to access and unlock new content for everyone’s benefit.

Open knowledge

Open knowledge is accurate, unbiased information which is freely available to everyone. At Wikimedia UK we advocate for open knowledge and free access at organisational, sectoral and public policy level. We support open knowledge development and sustainability through outreach and engagement.

Building community

Wikimedia UK is committed to developing the community of volunteers, editors and members which sustains our work. We deliver high quality training, competitions, community engagement and consultation, small project grants, and other forms of support.

Collage of images from Wikimedia Commons in reds
File: Wikimedia UK 2021 AGM banner by Katie Crampton (WMUK) CC BY-SA 4.0

Who we are

We are the UK charity for the global Wikimedia movement. Our vision is of a more informed, democratic and equitable society through open knowledge.

Collage of images from Wikimedia Commons in greens
File:WMUK what we do header by Katie Crampton (WMUK) CC BY-SA 4.0

What we do

Our mission is to enable people in the UK to engage with open knowledge and access reliable information in order to develop their understanding of the world, and make informed decisions about issues that affect them.

Collage of images in red and oranges from Wikimedia Commons
Culture page collage 2 by Katie Crampton (WMUK) CC BY-SA 4.0


We transform engagement with cultural heritage collections and deliver increased reach and impact for some of the world's leading galleries, libraries, archives and museums.

Collage of Wikimedia Commons images by Katie Crampton (WMUK) CC BY-SA 4.0


Wikimedia UK's education work improves the digital literacy skills of students, staff, and the general public

Old College Quad, University of Edinburgh, by Theoden sA CC BY-SA 3.0


Our partnerships, projects, programmes and events highlight and expend the diverse contribution of Scotland and its community to open knowledge.

Hughes, S. High Street, Bangor; Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru / The National Library of Wales CC0


Our partnerships, projects and programmes across Wales highlight and expand our open knowledge community.

Collage of images from Wikimedia Commons in greens
File:WMUK Climate and environment header.png CC BY-SA 4.0

Climate and environment

The climate and environment part of our work recognises the accelerating climate emergency and the importance of Wikimedia’s role in providing up-to-date, accurate and unbiased information about the crisis.


Latest news

Black and white photo of Gemma Coleman
Photo of Gemma Coleman

Croeso i Gemma Coleman, Cydgysylltydd Rhaglen Cymru (ac Ieithoedd)

(See below for English) Gan Gemma Coleman (hi/nhw) Cydgysylltydd Rhaglen Cymru (ac Ieithoedd) Rwy’n hwylusydd a hyfforddwr gyda ffocws seiliedig … Continue reading “Croeso i Gemma Coleman, Cydgysylltydd Rhaglen Cymru (ac Ieithoedd)”



new editors

were trained as part of our activities


Wikipedia articles

were added or improved in 69 languages



engaged across all our programmes in 2023–24

24 million

Wikidata items

were added this year by our activities



contributed by volunteers to our programmes

3.5 billion


of articles and images

183 million

media audience

in total



added to Wikimedia Commons


policy interactions

leading to 11 policy changes
