Partnership projects

As a relatively new programmatic area for us, we are exploring different approaches, models, partnerships and success criteria for this work. We recognise the importance of climate justice, and are committed to working with and for the communities that are most affected by and vulnerable to climate change within the development of this programme. Some of our partnerships so far:
GSI – our first climate residency was launched in 2022 with Global Systems Institute at Exeter University. The Wikimedia Visiting Fellow works with scientists and researchers within this academic hub to get information onto the Wikimedia projects and runs Edit for Climate Change events.
Climate Policy Radar – working with this open data climate startup and Wikidata to improve Wikidata’s ability to support environmental policy work.
DecarboN8 – working with a research network involving universities and local councils to share information around decarbonisation.
Food and Agriculture Organization – helping this branch of the United Nations share content (images and text) on Wikimedia sites, with a focus on food and environment issues.
Natural Resources Wales and Llen Natur – working with these existing partners in Wales to feed localised data directly onto Wikipedia based on the threat of climate change to every community.
International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works – After delivering a 24-hour COP26 editathon with the IIC in 2021, we again delivered an editathon in partnership with the IIC for COP27 in Egypt.
SXNCH-2 – An international conference in 2022 about the preservation of historic sites; we provided Wikipedia training as part of their offer around digital skills for attendees.