2018 AGM/Minutes

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Minutes of the 2018 AGM of Wikimedia UK

1. Held at The Flett Theatre, Natural History Museum, Exhibition Road, London, SW7 2HF, Saturday 14th July at 3.30pm

The Chair declared the meeting open. She noted that the members present in person or by proxy were insufficient to form a quorum, and she declared the meeting adjourned to a date and place to be notified.

A discussion and questions followed (not part of the formal AGM).

Note: Members were notified by email on 17th July 2018 of the date and location of the reconvened meeting, namely at the WMUK offices, 5-11 Lavington Street, London SE1 0NZ on 28 July 2018, starting at 2pm.

2. Held at the WMUK offices, 5-11 Lavington Street, London SE1 0NZ on 28 July 2018, at 2pm

Present: Josie Fraser (Chair) Kate West, Sandy Balfour, Daria Cybulska, Will Baynes

The meeting reconvened at 2pm. The chair noted that there were five members present in person plus 37 by proxy. The meeting was therefore not quorate, and was suspended by the Chair until 2.15 pm. At that point the meeting resumed in accordance with section 7.5 of the charity's articles of association under which ‘the members present in person or by proxy at that time shall constitute the quorum for that meeting’.

Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the AGM of 15 July 2017 were agreed to be accurate, and were accepted.


  • A motion to accept the annual report and accounts for the year to 31 January 2018 was approved with none against and none abstaining.
  • The motion to set the membership fees at £5 per annum for individuals and £100 per annum for organisations was approved with none against and none abstaining.
  • The motion to reappoint Kingston Smith as auditors and to authorise the directors to determine the auditors’ remuneration was approved with none against and none abstaining.

It was noted that one member had written to protest that this year there were no elections to the board. The Chair noted that no board vacancies had arisen and that the members had been kept informed of this in the AGM papers previously circulated.

The meeting ended at 2.30 pm.

By order of the board

Josie Fraser, Chair