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Join Wikimedia UK
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Our members are fundamental to our activities and we welcome everyone who supports our aims to join us. Please see the Organisational Membership page to find out about the benefits of becoming an Organisational member of Wikimedia UK.

Individual Membership


  • You are supporting our goals and our work
  • You can vote at our Annual General Meetings, where our Board is elected and administrative motions are passed
  • You can apply for project grants
  • You can join our discussion mail list to participate in planning new events and policy improvement; however it is not essential to be a member to join this list.
  • Trusted volunteers can borrow Wikimedia UK volunteer equipment for use related to our charitable goals


Membership is open to all; you do not have to live in the UK, be over a certain age or be editors of any of the Wikimedia Foundation projects. All we ask is that members agree to support our Objects and not to bring Wikimedia UK into disrepute.

Members must disclose to Wikimedia UK their full name and residential address; but they don't have to disclose their username on any of the Wikimedia projects. The personal data is included in the chapter's Register of Members, and this is made available to anyone with reasonable cause requesting the information. If you aren't comfortable disclosing this information, please still consider donating to the chapter instead, and supporting our activities by your participation.

Membership fee

The current membership fee is £5 per year for individuals and £100 for organisations.

Membership FAQ

You may find it useful to look at the information on our Frequently Asked Questions page.


Our preferred way for you to join and donate is online. The link also gives details of membership handling, and corporate membership. Please note that by becoming a member of Wikimedia UK you are consenting to us keeping and using the information you provide. This is in accordance with our Data Protection Policy.

To pay offline

Bank transfers should also use your email contact as reference; for our bank account details Please contact:

  • Tel: 0203 3720 760

Please email to confirm you have made the transfer to ensure your renewal is managed promptly, or if you have any additional queries.