2024 AGM

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AGM: Elections Candidate Statements · Candidate Questions · Resolutions
Miscellaneous: Strategic Report 2024  · Annual Report 2024  · UK Wikimedian of the Year 2024 · Timeline · Minutes

Wikimedia UK's 2024 AGM will be held online on Saturday 21st September.

Register on eventbrite

Meeting Agenda

The meeting formally starts at 10am with staff members online from 9.45. We aim to finish by 11.30am. A Zoom link will be sent to everyone registered.

10.00 am - Welcome and introduction to the AGM by the Chair of the Board, Monisha Shah

10.05am - Approval of 2023 AGM minutes (MS)

10.10am - Board report from the Chair (MS)

10.15 am - Finance report from the Head of Finance and Operations (Sharon Mitcheson) and Honorary Treasurer (Alex Ashby)

10.20 am - Activity report by the Chief Executive, Lucy Crompton-Reid

10.25 am - Questions on Reports

10.30 am - Resolutions and Elections: Explanation of process

10.35 am - Questions to candidates

10.50 am - VOTING OPENS

11.05 am - VOTING CLOSES

11.05 am - Presentation of Honorary Member Awards by the Chair of the Community Development Committee, Caroline Ball

11.15 am - Introducing our five-year strategy for 2025 - 2030 (Lucy Crompton-Reid)

11.20 am - Announcement of results of elections and resolutions

11.25 am - Thanks and closing remarks from the Chair

11.30 am - End of AGM

Board elections

This year we have three vacancies for elected trustees, and are keen to hear from members of the Wikimedia community in the UK who would be interested in joining the Board. The process for standing for election is detailed here and the deadline for nominations is midnight on Friday 6th September.

Wikimedia UK currently has a Board of Trustees with an excellent range of professional skills and backgrounds. For the 2024 elections, we are particularly keen for members of the extended Wikimedia UK community to stand. What is most important is a commitment to open knowledge and the work of Wikimedia UK, and a willingness to take on the responsibility of being a charity trustee and board director of a limited company, however you do not need charity governance experience as training will be provided. We value diversity in Wikimedia UK's board of trustees and as ever, would warmly encourage people from historically underrepresented backgrounds to stand for the board.

If you would like an informal conversation with our Chief Executive or one of the trustees about what being on the board involves, and potentially standing for election, please do send an email to infoatwikimedia.org.uk and we will set up a call. Details for standing for election can be found on the Board/Becoming a trustee page and will be sent to members via email.