Events/Event Template

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EVENT TEMPLATE Parts in red need to be adapted to each event

insert event title - In a nutshell

  • Where?: insert location details
  • When?: date and time - from to
  • Point of contact: who should attendees contact about the event- email (and phone)
  • Twitter: @wikimediauk (or a hashtag)
  • Cost: Free
  • How do I sign up?: provide link to CiviCRM page (ask staff to help set one up)
  • Photos from the event: insert post event if possible
Join us for the event!

About the event

Promotional description of the event with any background info

For example see here or here.

Ideally this would include your goals for the event - what it is set to achieve

How do I prepare?
  • Sign up for the event
  • Create a Wikipedia account
  • Bring a laptop (wi-fi will be provided)
  • Learn about editing if you like: Tutorial, or Getting started on Wikipedia for more information
  • Think about what you would like to edit about - you can even prepare some materials to bring with you on the day
  • Refreshments will be provided


If it's an informal session you wouldn't list much, but for a more structured day it helps to give an indication.

For example - wmuk:Society_of_Biology_Wikipedia_workshop#Agenda or here


Please use this form to capture details of attendees at the event here (all to be given voluntarily) - usernames, a contact email experience of editing Wikipedia.

Please sign up for this event. include link to CiviCRM registration page We will as for usernames on the day to analyse how the editors interact with Wikipedia after the event, and will be used for our metrics.


With an identified leading trainer - a person who is likely to deliver most of the presenting and organise the content of the training. As a rule 1 trainer per 7 participants. You can include any special instructions for the trainers - e.g. 'we only need 2 trainers for this event' or 'wifi and lunch for trainers will be provided'

Below is the list of trainers that will be present on the day.

Content created

Here you would list a target list of articles to be created/edited if such existed before the event. After/during the event list the articles actually edited.

Further outcomes

These could be blogs, further content created post event, further cooperation


Please have the feedback forms for attendees at the event.

This is a template to be used - wmuk:File:Event feedback form template.pdf. Please pass the filled in forms to the office after the event. We would then collate the results and upload them on this page.

What can I do after the event?

Get involved!

Here you would list ways of people to find help / get involved further, for example:

You may find these useful if you want to learn further about editing:

To keep in touch, why not become a member of Wikimedia UK? You can learn more about membership at

Further contact

For further information about the programme, please contact please give a contact person from WMUK office at xxx and please give a contact for the external person who we are working with to run this event at xxx.


Why evaluate?

For many years now, Wikipedians have not only worked on increasing and improving the amount of free content. We have also launched a wide variety of activities that intend to strengthen free knowledge by rising the public awareness of Wikipedia through exhibitions and presentations, by recruiting new editors as part of Wikipedia workshops, and by starting programs like “Wiki Loves Monuments”.

We have not, however, been very strong at measuring the impact or evaluating those activities - gathering basic metrics, or thinking about the impact we are making. This page explains it better than I would - we need to evaluate to:

  • be able to choose activities that further our Charity's goals
  • know whether we need to improve our activities
  • specify our thinking when we are setting out to start a new activity
  • be accountable! Our audiences are WMUK volunteers and staff, WMUK board, and of course the funders.

notes for the organiser

other pages - organiser tips