GLAM-WIKI 2013/Speaker guidance
This page is for speakers and panellists at GLAM-WIKI 2013.
Many thanks for supporting our event!
Practical arrangements
- See here for directions.
- Even if you are presenting on one day only, you are welcome to stay for both Friday 12th and Saturday 13th.
- You should be registered for the conference - if you are not sure check with Daria.
- Unless requested and explicitly confirmed with Wikimedia UK, we do not cover any other expenses (travel, per diem, accommodation).
- In case you are covering your own accommodation, we recommend you have a look here.
- There is no parking available at the British Library, and parking in the nearby area is very hard to find. You are advised to use public transport.
- If you are a Wikimedia UK volunteer coming to deliver a talk we may be able to support you further with regards to expenses - please check with Daria.
The conference rooms are modern and well equipped, with a networked presentation laptop and audiovisual facilities. You can bring your own laptop, but remember to bring an adaptor if it needs one to connect to a VGA projector. There will be microphones for the presenter and audience in the auditorium. If there is a piece of equipment that you need and think it may not be available please let Daria Cybulska know ( You can email us your presentation in advance if you prefer.
Ground rules
- Be promotional...
If you're speaking at this conference, it's because you've worked on, or supported, something very significant in GLAM. Don't be shy about what you've done: tell us the benefits and opportunities for other cultural organisations.
- ...but be honest
If you've been involved in a bold, ground-breaking project, there will inevitably have been problems and complications; issues you wish you'd anticipated, but hadn't. Tell us honestly about what went wrong, so we can learn the right lessons.
- Keep to time, but allow for audience questions
The conference is geared to have lots of opportunities for audience contributions. The standard half-hour slot is normally expected to be a 20 minute talk with ten minutes for questions: a one-hour keynote slot is normally 40 minutes of presentation and 20 minutes of discussion. The time keeper will move on to the next slot when the total time has elapsed: if the audience have unanswered questions, they will be encouraged to talk to you during the breaks.
- The audience
We are anticipating 100-150 participants. The participants will be coming from various backgrounds - some will be Wikipedians interested in the GLAM movement, others will be people from GLAM organisations either already working with Wikipedia or interested in finding out more. So the level of knowledge of your topic will be quite varied.
Recording and social media
We will be recording some sessions on video for later sharing. If you are not happy with being filmed please do let us know. We will also be encouraging the use of Twitter and other social media during all the sessions, using the #glamwiki hashtag. If there is anything in your talk or slides that you do not want recorded, then talk to Daria beforehand. If some of the audience seem to be preoccupied with their mobile devices, it's because they are thinking about what you've just said and how to digest it into 140 characters.
We will also aim to be recording short interviews exploring your opinions on open culture and Wikipedia - if you are interested in participating you can let us know now, or get involved on the day.
Presentation materials and other content
Do send us your presentation before the event if you prefer.
All of Wikimedia UK's activities aim to create or promote material that is freely and openly licensed for reuse. We hope you'll share any presentation materials, or example materials from your course or give us a pointer to online open materials you're already created. We'll be able to host certain kinds of material on this site or on sister sites such as Wikimedia Commons. The conference organisers can help. You can share your presentation with us now, or after the conference.
Daria (logistics from Wikimedia UK office) looks like this. Talk to us if you don't already know us. On the day please feel free to contact Daria with any queries on 07803 505 170.