Meetings/2010-01-19/Agenda/Chair's Report
< Meetings | 2010-01-19 | Agenda(Redirected from Meetings/2010-01-12/Agenda/Chair's Report)
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- Actions
- MP to investigate moving our wiki at to subject to technical feasibility re Single User Logins and hosting, with as a potential alternative. Once this has been completed, MP to follow up with Wikimedia Ukraine regarding the "uk." website conflict.
Carried forward (not urgent)
- MP agreed to investigate moving our OTRS system to one hosted by ourselves to reduce the risk that confidential emails are inappropriately viewed by non-WMUK people or emails are sent in the name of the chapter without approval.
Carried forward (not urgent)
- MP agreed to follow up with the foundation his request for detailed statistics on the proportion of UK internet users who use Wikipedia
Carried forward (awaiting suggestions of desired statistics)
- MP will send out the agreed wikinews press release when the story next flares up (Sunday evening was suggested as generally a good time)
Carried forward (awaiting a good time)
- MP volunteered to follow up the photo donation opportunity
Carried forward (lack of time)
- MP agreed to write an email to the WMUK list informing our supporters of the resignation and inviting people to put themselves forward for co-option to the board. MP will redirect to himself, remove paul from and redirect to JS. He will approach a steward to remove PW's bureaucrat role (but retain his admin role) on and remove access to
- The Public Domain Day press release was approved in principle, subject to checking the copyright claims, adding a mention of public domain benefits and a headline. AT and MP will liase and send out on 29 December.
- The Mary Rose Trust donation press release was also approved in principle. It was agreed MP can send out the final text after sending it out to all board members with 24 hours notice.
- MP will feedback to SV regarding the Somali schools project and ask SV for for more ideas for what we could get from the "Brisol Manifesto" initiative in terms of support for our activities and funding.
Carried forward
- MP will raise GLAM-WIKI with the MLA at their meeting on 8th Jan.
Carried forward
- JS and MP will do a timeline and budget for GLAM-WIKI after the meeting.
Carried forward
- Press
- Talked to the Times Educational Supplement about the Ofqual guidance (see [1] [2] [3] [4]). Also left a comment on the Telegraph article. Was quoted by the Wikipedia Signpost.
- Cultural partnerships
- Met with MLA and Collections Trust with Seddon to discuss Britain Loves Wikipedia. Outcomes:
- Should get confirmation from all interested museums by end of next week - CollectionsTrust are taking the lead with this.
- Need to get a proper logo design - MLA requesting quotes from graphic designers that they know, and probably using their budget to cover it.
- Met with Postal Museum, also with Seddon. Discussed BLW event being run there on the 20th Feb. Also discussed potential involvement with London 2010 Festival of Stamps - may involve us giving talks on how to use Wikipedia to the public/universities/schools.
- Britain Loves Wikipedia website: in development. File upload limit on web hosting now increased from 2 to 20MB (also affects the Board Wiki), and total available disk space from 6 to 10GB (~2.3GB currently used). Extra disk space costs under £1 per GB per month.
- Possibility for a Wiki Takes Liverpool event later on this year, potentially in partnership with the Liverpool Biennial. Discussing by email.
- Britain Loves Wikipedia
- Urgent actions:
- Press release about whole event and launch. Needs to be at V&A for checking in the next few days.
- Website - filling in of content, testing, developing later stages