Meetings/2010-01-19/Agenda/Secretary's Report
< Meetings | 2010-01-19 | Agenda(Redirected from Meetings/2010-01-12/Agenda/Secretary's Report)
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- Actions
- AT to ask about Ian Hawkins filming the AGM on the email list and with OKFN and to ask Ian Hawkins if we could have a copyright-free copy of his filming.
Carried forward
- AT agreed to write up a proposed Initiative to support the Celtic League project and to update the Celtic League.
Carried forward
- AT will develop a proposal for a projector
Carried forward
- AT to draft an email to the Foundation re problems
- AT agreed to inform the Charity Commission when we come to a conclusion on CRB checks.
- AT agreed to approach 9 Stone Buildings for a quote for our fundraising agreement
Carried forward
- AT agreed to approach a second solicitor for a quote for charity status.
- Minutes of meetings on 30 October and 3 November are still outstanding
Carried forward
- AT will amend the Child Protection Policy with regard to CRB checks as applicable.
Carried forward
- AT will contact the Charity Commission to update them on our child protection checks
- AT and MP will agree the Public Domain Day press release and send out on 29 December.
- AT will send the WMF setting out our interpretation of the Chapter Agreement to clear up any uncertainty regarding a drafting error.
- AT will respond to the two Wikipedia complaints received
Carried forward
- AT will post a copy of "Wikipedia for Schools" to JS
Carried forward
- I had various emails and phone conversations regarding the Public Domain Day. Our press release was covered in the Daily Telegraph. Some lessons learnt:
- Journalists are interested in "events": it's more important to say what we are doing in response to Public Domain Day rather than just the legal fact that items are going to become public domain
- Despite checking and rechecking, some of the core facts of our story were still misleading: we focussed on UK PD law and then said we would upload material to wikisource, where US law is more relevant.
- I had some negative response from a wikisource editor [1] partly related to #2. In future we would be better organising this with the wikisource community
- The event we ended up going with has required quite a bit of our input - celebrity recordings of Yeats' poetry. I still think it's a good project but we need to be 100% sure that the poems in question relate to poems that became US PD on 1/1/10 and do some work to drum up some more celeb interest
- Legal Advice: I had a meeting with Fraser Brown which I sent an email to the board regarding. They have offered a capped fee of £350+VAT which they will expect will cover initial contacts with the Charity Commission and some small re-drafting of the Articles. If more significant redrafting is required then they will come back for further instructions. Our alternative quoet from the direct access barrister was £1000+VAT. An email decision has been taken to instruct them and I have informed them. They are waiting for our client identification before proceeding.
- I have received four cheques in the post which I will forward to TH
- I received an application form from the Charities Aid Foundation regarding "our enquiry". Given that we are not (yet) a charity, we wouldn't be eligible to receive funds so I have not responded.
- I have a New Year card from Wikimedia Poland, wishing us good luck with our "Public Domain Day" publicity
- I have received an invitation, addressed to Mike Peel, to the launch of the Wildscreen ARKive 2010 project