Microgrants/Wikinews: Video and more
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I am attempting to combine a work-related trip from Edinburgh to my employer’s offices in Maidenhead, with a long-weekend (14th to 16th September) where my primary goal will be to carry out a video-recorded Wikinews interview with UK politician Tony Benn.
This microgrant application is for:
- Financial support in travelling from Maidenhead to London
- Plus, returning to a point where my work-provided open-return may be used to return to Edinburgh late September 16th
- Expected simply single off-peak Maidenhead—London with employer-provided open return being valid via London
- Worst-case is a single off-peak Kings Cross—Birmingham New Street
- Plus, returning to a point where my work-provided open-return may be used to return to Edinburgh late September 16th
- Accommodation assistance whilst in London
- I may have a business Travelodge account by that time (5% discount)
- I smoke, drink, cuss, and — fortunately — don't sleepwalk (just in-case anyone is offering their hospitality)
- Too old to sleep on small couches — plus snore, loudly (I'm told)
- Travel costs/assistance whilst in London
- I will have a substantial amount of equipment when I arrive, with only personal belongings from prior week being able to deposited at accommodation
- Additional (non-core) objectives from the trip to London are (in no particular order):
- Donate two large hardback volumes obtained from press previews at the National Gallery of Scotland to the Wikimedia UK library (Lusieri exhibition, Peter Doig exhibition)
- Request, from Tony Benn, and his care assistant/PA Ruth, any assistance they can provide — or leverage they may have — which leads to older photographs relating to key UK political figures being gifted to Commons
- Tony likely has the influence to get the issue brought to the attentions of the staff in the Commons library
- Attempt follow-up with the cinematography team behind Benn’s forthcoming 'audio-biographical' documentary
- Have verbal, in-principle agreement, they release/provide the films trailer to Commons
- Expand my circle of journalistic contacts for Wikinews
- In-person run through the technical back-end (used for Laura Hale's Paralympics reporting) with Wikimedia UK staff and interested volunteers
- Provide relevant contacts to Jon Davies, et-al, to progress discussions on a possible partnership with the City of Edinburgh Council (CEC)
- Initial goals are:
- Pursue in-principle agreement to 'donate' all recorded public council meetings, Q&A sessions
- Already received with some-interest from two friendly local councillors, to be brought up with council leader
- Start discussion on collaboration which gives Council-employed (or volunteer) library staff permission to register, and edit, on Wikimedia projects
- Guidance/workshops to-follow; council has specific goals to reach on IT education
- Look to encourage council to adopt more-liberal licensing on their publications
- Utilise council distribution channels to try and increase Edinburgh contributor-base with targeted literature
- If-possible, and sufficient interest, run a Wikinews workshop (in London) on the Saturday, or Sunday
- This could-well be brainstorming on lines of questioning for Tony Benn
- I collect additional literature, discuss possible targeted literature, to distribute in Edinburgh
- Travel costs:
- Single, off-peak: Maidenhead to London (TBD)
- Return to a point where my work-provided, open, Edinburgh-Maidenhead return ticket is valid (TBD; likely worst-case off-peak single, Birmingham New Street)
- Cost of use of public transport in London (with caveats, mentioned previously, on amount of AV and IT kit to move around)
- Cost of several Lothian Regional Transport (LRT) day-saver tickets (£3.50 ea - call it a year's back-dues, plus this years', for Wikimedia UK)
- Accommodation
- London (Maidenhead, or in-between): Friday evening
- London, Friday, Saturday evenings
- Initial period:
- The initial period of use for the grant is the four days: Friday, September 13 2013 to Monday, September 16, 2013
- Follow-on use:
- This would be distribution of literature around points where potential new Wikimedians may pick them up
- September, being of special-interest when it's Freshers', would be an ideal point to leave leaflet stacks in Student Unions, and local bars.
- On ongoing basis (at least through October), distribute bundles of Wikimedia-UK literature to public libraries, cafes, bars, independent bookstores, council offices, community resource centres
Expected outcomes
- Short: 2-3 minute, direct-to-camera, self-introduction from Tony Benn (without mention of Wikimedia project(s)
- This to be captured at highest-possible quality
- Progressively downscaled versions would be added to Commons until such time as a version appropriate to embed in the Infobox officeholder was produced
- This, equally, can have the audio split off for really low-bandwidth connections
- Full-length: 15 minutes+, Wikinews video interview with Tony Benn (Check audio on 2007 interview
- Process as-per for the Short
- Likelihood of additional, older, photographs from Tony Benn’s collection
- Extended list of UK political contacts for Wikinews
- possible mainstream coverage/syndication
- Progression of early-stage interest from City of Edinburgh Council (CEC) on possible partnering work for outreach/educational purposes
- I would report on number of copies, and locations deposited, when it comes to literature provided by Wikimedia UK
- By means of a plain inset with QR code, or tinyurl, it may be possible to translate that into uptake data
General interest
- For those who may have a particular interest in the questions to be asked of Tony, there is a newly-started discussion on the English-language Wikinews project’s Water Cooler. (See here).
- We wouldn’t usually discuss interview questions in such an open manner, but if I can keep some of what I’ve got "under embargo" (Audio from his Fringe session), Wikimedia UK people are most-welcome to constructively engage in this discussion.
Who I am
- "Trouble in Telecoms"
- More-than-a-few years in IT, I'm one of the support people your ISPs, and telephony service-providers come to with their problems.
- Please read my Brian McNeil Wikinews user-page with a British sense of humour.
- And, don't believe all my bad press! ;-)
Your prompt consideration is appreciated. --Brian McNeil / talk 18:07, 3 September 2013 (UTC)
- The open discussion prior to the interview may be found here on Wikinews.
- Some 'embargoed' background material (not for publication) may be available.
- Likely another volunteer required — depending on equipment borrowed from Wikimedia UK.
- Anyone who, through involvement in this project, may become aware of Tony's private residence or other contact details is to keep such in the strictest confidence. --Brian McNeil / talk 18:44, 3 September 2013 (UTC)
- The grants review panel have reviewed and recommended the application to be approved. The Chief Executive has accepted this recommendation and approved the application, both as a microgrant, and as a macrogrant if the combined cost of the budgeted items goes above £250. -- Katie Chan (WMUK) (talk) 10:31, 6 September 2013 (UTC)