Microgrants/Elections in Europe/Report

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Is your project completed?
No, there are still plenty of new articles to be created or existing ones improved.
Did you use any of the grant funds?
Not directly. The book was bought for my by WMUK, and was delivered to my home address

Activities and lessons learned


To date, I've used the book to create over 550 articles and improved over 650 by adding more details or referencing – a total of over 1,200 articles. I'm still nowhere near finished – after the last few Swiss referendum articles, I can get to work on political parties, which could yield a couple of hundred more articles plus improvements to many more.

The book has also been helpful in a long-running project with a German editor on compiling a complete list of elections and referendums in all countries.

Lessons learned

What went well?
It was very simple to apply for, and I had the book within two weeks.
What did not go well?
Nothing, it's all gone swimmingly.
What would you do differently if you plan a similar project in the future?

Expected outcomes

Expected outcomes

The expected outcome was to create or improve 1,000 articles, so that has been easily exceeded.


What impact did this project have on WMUK's mission and the strategic goals?
Created or improved over 1,200 Wikipedia articles to date.

Reporting and documentation of expenditures


Did you send documentation of all expenses paid with grant funds to the office? Answer "Yes" or "No".