Minutes 2008-11-04
Minutes of the Wikimedia UK v2.0 Board Meeting #wikimedia-uk-board, 20:30 04/11/2008
Present with speaking rights: Kwan Ting Chan (KTC), Mickey Conn (MC), Tom Holden (TH), Mike Peel (MP)
Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Andrew Turvey (AT)
Minutes of the Meeting held 2008-10-21
The minutes of the meeting of 21st October 2008 were available to view at [1] and were approved with one change under 10. Review of draft MoA&AoA from informal advice: "ACTION: MP to inform ChapCom of change to MoA." was corrected to show that AT had been actioned.
Minutes of the Meeting held 2008-10-27
Minutes of the meeting of 27th October 2008 were available to view at [2] and were approved unanimously. The board thanked AT for compiling minutes of this meeting.
Matters Arising
Release of Voting Information
MC posted voting information to the mailing list.
Company Formation with Companies House
Company formation is in progress; forms have been sent off. The board has not yet received a response.
Membership Rules
Membership rules were discussed under point 7, below.
Expenses claims forms
TH sent claim forms to all board members. The board decided that a standard per mile rate should be paid for travel by car or cycle and that this should be 40p/mile. Expenses should be signed by either the Treasurer or the Chair, with the proviso that they shall not sign off their own expenses. Expenses totalling £100 or more should be approved by an additional board member. TH to create updated version of form, aiming to include these instructions.
ACTION: TH to update expenses claim form
Bank account
There are three main options: Co-op, Nationwide and HSBC. TH recommended using the Co-operative Bank. This was provisionally agreed by the board; TH to collate all necessary information and fill out the forms. Board to wait for AT's views before confirming this decision.
ACTION: TH to collate detail on opening an account with the Co-op Bank and fill out forms.
ChapCom & changes to MoA/AoA
AT e-mailed ChapCom but has not yet received a response.
Wikimedia trademark negotiation
AT e-mailed ChapCom but has not yet received a response.
Timetable Review
No changes were recommended; the timetable is to be reviewed at the next meeting.
ACTION: KTC to include on agenda for next meeting.
Membership Rules
MP has drafted membership rules and revised these in response to feedback from the mailing list. The board generally supported the current draft, but discussed whether members joining before the first AGM should pay a fee. The board recommended including space on membership forms for additional donations, and agreed that memberships would be accepted, and would be available to run from, any time of year. Members will be strongly recommended to provide an e-mail address, and those who do not will only receive selected mailings by post. There will be no need to ask for Wikimedia user names. MP to contact all people who have so far expressed an interest in joining to consult on fees, and report back at next board meeting.
ACTION: MP to contact all who have expressed an interest in joining for feedback on fees.
All in favour of setting up a newsletter. This will be developed on Wikimedia's meta site, and will be promoted by putting summaries linking to the newsletter on relevant e-mail lists and the user pages of interested parties. It can be compiled monthly, and MP will set up a bot to circulate the summary on Wikimedia websites.
ACTION: MP to set up bot. All to collaboratively work on first newsletter.
Business Plan
In order to set up a bank account with the Co-op Bank, the organisation will need a business plan. TH to initiate compiling one on Meta.
ACTION: TH to begin putting together business plan.
Wikimedia UK 1.0
The board would like further information on how the winding up of Wikimedia UK 1.0 is progressing. MC to investigate and report back at next meeting.
ACTION: MC to request information on winding up of Wikimedia UK 1.0
The next meeting will be held on Monday 10th November at 20:30 (GMT/UTC).