Minutes 2010-10-05
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Wikimedia UK Board Meeting Minutes Tuesday 5 October 2010
Took place 7.30-10.30pm BST. Meeting via Skype got under way around 7.50. Attending were Board trustees Andrew Turvey (AT), Mike Peel (MP), Steve Virgin (SV), and Joseph Seddon (JS; via phone), with Charles Matthews (CM) taking notes.
A1: Apologies for absence
Thomas Dalton (TD) sent his apologies, absent without a Internet connection at home.
A2: Approval of Minutes 10Sep10
MP apologised for how 'note-y' they are. The minutes at http://uk.wikimedia.org/wiki/Minutes_11Sep10 had been amended in line with email from SV, and were changed in real time in line with comments from TD and SV. The minutes approved (AT, MP, SV) as changed. AT had sent to the WMUK email list (Book Sprint action, matter arising).
A3: Review email decisions
The following decisions made by email were confirmed:
- Appoint Charles Matthews as Office Manager
- Appoint payroll managers (Virtual Business Source)
- Send letter of advice re 2009 Fundraising Agreement to WMF
A4: Actions and reports
A41: Chair (Andrew Turvey) (including Office Manager)
Andrew's report at http://uk.wikimedia.org/wiki/Agenda_5Oct10/Chair%27s_Report was noted. The letter to the accountants had produced advice that no tax issues were expected to arise.
The employment contract for CM as sent around by email was approved by MP, SV and JS, and AT was given the go-ahead to sign it on behalf of WMUK.
Newsletter decisions:
- Scribus open-source desktop publisher was to be used, rather than Pagemaker.
- ACTION: CM to email wikimediauk-l mailing list asking for suggestions for the name of the new newsletter, since so far there is only a working title.
- Editor to ask for feedback in the first issue
- AT to talk to Charles about mocking up the first issue, to be approved by the board.
- Multi-format: PDF, plain-text email, wiki form will be required. The Wikipedia Signpost is a model for the MediaWiki version (JS). No HTML version wanted.
- Distribution via multiple channels: Would printed copies go to GLAM-WIKI (unresolved)? Printable version will be required in any case. Linkage from UK wiki (now or later), talk page delivery via bot postings were discussed. It was decided there must be coordination with the WMUK blog and uk.wikimedia.org front page. On the Twitter and Facebook fronts, a Twitter feed could be technically accomplished (MP). The newsletter could also be sent around via the announcement mailing list announce-l. JS reported a view that such circulation is counted towards the requirement for chapter reports; and will consult on how other chapters use that list for reporting.
- AT will talk to a partner at the lawyers on Monday following, regarding the best approach to the charities commission letter, which has not yet reached a final state.
- The feeling of the meeting was that it might be better to write initial drafts of such documents in-house, to catch the complexities of the chapter’s position in definite language. Drafts would then be refined by the lawyers.
Delegation: AT will be passing some of his outstanding actions (annual report and chapters grant) to Charles. MP will talk to AT about passing on the ORG action.
Actions: CM (to mail WMUK list about newsletter title; matters consequent on delegation from AT); JS (clarify role of announce-l for chapters); AT (meet solicitors), plus actions from report to carry forward.
A42: Secretary (Mike Peel)
Mike's report at http://uk.wikimedia.org/wiki/Agenda_5Oct10/Secretary%27s_Report was noted.
- MP to ask Liam Wyatt to send WMUK an invoice for the first part of his contract. AT commented on the need for an audit trail.
- MP to ask Liam regarding publicising the event - Culture24, MLA, etc. AT wishes the plan to be clarified, and asked about WMUK’s part in publicity.
MP has to deal with irrelevant phone calls, as AT does with letters.
Actions: MP (communication with LW), plus actions from report not dealt with.
A43: Treasurer (Thomas Dalton)
Tom's report at http://uk.wikimedia.org/wiki/Agenda_5Oct10/Treasurer%27s_Report was noted. AT reported on a phone conversation immediately preceding the meeting with TD. On direct debits, the bank’s rules don’t entitle WMUK, so the decision is discretionary for them. The process of application is expected to take six weeks and the outcome is unclear
On the query about a BACS bureau: it was confirmed that the accountants could act. AT was actioned to contact TD regarding getting an alternate quote from our payroll company now appointed, for acting in this matter.
AT to include a discussion in the next meeting on spending regarding the 2010 Budget, and to ask TD to construct a detailed table of current spending on the budget items (request of MP) for the next meeting.
AT to delegate processing the membership renewals to CM, taking into account the direct debit position. AT to talk to TD about giving CM access to view the paypal account.
Actions: AT (delegation and access re CM); TD (carried forward and budget detail)
A44: Steve Virgin
Steve's report at http://uk.wikimedia.org/wiki/Agenda_5Oct10/Steve%27s_Report was noted.
We have rooms at the Watershed Media Centre, Bristol reserved for the AGM in April; these arrangements need to be confirmed. The meeting decided that Watershed W1 and W2 should be booked for the quoted price of £300+VAT, as well as three sets of tea and coffee for 30 people (to be increased if necessary). SV will seek sponsorship.
Jimmy Wales (JW) is in London in January, and his schedule was discussed. JW has confirmed that he won't be available to come to Bristol during the 10th anniversary after the London event.
JS to contact JW to ask whether he would like to come to the AGM and also for a potential speaking opportunity with Festival of Ideas in Bristol. JS to also ask the Foundation about whether anyone else can come along.
SV reported on: contact from the BBC. Also an approach from “Bristol and the Word 2012”. The suggestion of Bristol companies arranging for writing on Wikipedia about themselves has pitfalls obvious to us, and editing training and/or a resident Wikipedian is indicated. SV should pass on. SV also reported on CIPR (AT will attend), the Ignite franchised forum, and the Electoral Reform Society and linked groups with an interest in an edit party (SV has an introduction to them).
Actions: SV (confirm AGM booking details, seek sponsorshop; Somali groups carried forward); JS (contact with JW and WMF)
A45: Joseph Seddon
Seddon's report at http://uk.wikimedia.org/wiki/Agenda_5Oct10/Seddon%27s_Report was noted. Details of WMF sponsorship handling for GLAM-WIKI and Liam Wyatt were under discussion, and JS was actioned to pursue this matter with them.
MP to write the first draft of the request to the WMF for sponsorship of GLAM-WIKI.
MP requested a copy of the Bundesarchiv agreement.
Actions: JS (WMF discussion, Bundesarchiv. OKCon and OKF carried forward); MP (drafting)
A break of ten minutes was then taken.
B: Decisions needed
B1: Fundraiser update
B11: Direct debits
We are not going to hear a final decision from the bank for 6 weeks following from the application (see A43). It was decided that the fundraiser website will not initially include reference to setting up direct debits. The timescale is such that if application is made and is successful, a direct debit option could be added in later on. (The application is not currently on anyone’s list of actions.)
Actions: Absent at this time.
B12: Website
TD has outlined plans for the fundraiser website redesign, which will take approximately a weekend for him to carry out. Reducing the number of clicks that people go through to donate, and link clutter, are two objectives. Making the PayPal link look better, by upgrading from a standard page, is also proposed (welcomed by JS).
The timeline is still not clarified. It is understood, but not apparently confirmed, that the WMF will launch the fundraiser 1 November, with a previous week of trialling. Banner tests have already been made.
Actions: TD
B13: Agreement
There was consensus to ask for Tier 1 participation in the fundraiser (full engagement).
AT to follow up with TD regarding feeding back the suggested modifications to the 2010 fundraising agreement. The WMF have concurred by email; we need to sign and proceed. However feedback has not necessarily been incorporated, and should be sent via TD (AT to confer with TD on this matter). The formal position should be cleared up now, and Tier 1 fine print requirements put in place.
MP to follow up with TD about the website and the timeline for making the modifications.
Actions: AT, MP, TD
B14: Other fundraiser business
Matter arising: ACTION: AT to talk to TD about putting together the initial 2011 budget in time for the next board meeting.
There was a general discussion about independent and pro-active WMUK fundraiser activity, and its appropriate and likely forms. JS had a general point about measurement of impact: can we do things, in such a way that it allows us to tell how promotional activity is actually doing? MP referred to past discussions on promotion, and asked if and how we need to innovate?
It was decided to issue a planned sequence of press releases - on launch, milestones (inc. JW letter?) and completion. MP, SV, CM to draft.
Newspaper adverts, possibly sponsored or discounted, were mooted. We will pass on making a concerted effort to get adverts for this year. SV will look into this within the Bristol area, and will find out prices.
Can we get quotes from celebrities as endorsement? Other brainstorming ideas from MP were tube ads (sought by the German chapter) and empty billboard space (Serbian chapter). SV warmly approved.
Should there be a form letter to FTSE 100 companies asking for donations? SV will work on this; AT to ask CM to draft first version of this letter.
Actions: Budget desiderata (AT with TD); Press release team (MP, SV, CM); SV (Bristol); Corporate team (CM via AT, SV); SV (to send media tracking access info to CM)
B2: MP/TD - Microgrants update
Microgrants have not attracted applications. Discussion of where now included the need for personal contact and encouragement (AT), and JS’s relaying of a comment of Florence Devouard that only the Czechs had found a way to operate a microgrant system well. JS also raised online journal access via subscription as a likely area, and will trawl among Featured Article authors. MP would like to see mention in the newsletter.
Actions: JS (FA writers)
C1: Bot postings to talk pages
Matter arising from B2, also relevant to A41 (newletter). MP to explore tools/bots, or write a tool/bots, to distribute newsletters onwiki via user pages.
Actions: MP (bots)
C2: London party for Wikipedia 10th Anniversary
It is understood that a London venue is already booked by Jimmy Wales for this select event in January 2011. The chapter’s need to participate and co-operate with JW was discussed: would it include point-of-contact, logistics, partial guest-list, invitations? TD had written to JW 26 September. JS to contact JW again, to clarify what the intended role of the UK chapter, if any, would be.
Actions: JS (mail to JW, transferred from TD)
C3: Welsh organizational contacts
JS wishes to do exploratory contact work with organizations in Wales having a good fit with our aims. He was encouraged to do so.
Actions: JS (contact work)
C4: Date of next meeting
This was set for 2 November, provisionally. If the fundraiser start date is 1 November it may be brought forward.
Meeting closed about 10.25 pm.