Minutes 2011-04-08
Minutes for Board meeting on 8 April 2011, 7:30-10:30pm
- Andrew Turvey (AT) (Chair)
- Michael Peel (MP) (Minutes)
- Thomas Dalton (TD)
- Steve Virgin (SV)
A: Minutes and Reports
A1: AT - Apologies for absence
No apologies.
A2: MP - Approval of Minutes 1Mar11 and 2Feb11 in-camera minutes
Minutes 1Mar11 approved by AT, MP, TD and SV.
2Feb11 minutes are still pending, so were not approved at this meeting.
A3: MP - Review email decisions
MoU with NMM - still pending, will be decided upon by email after this meeting. AT and TD will sign it (printed out, signed, scanned in - twice).
Chapters meeting sponsorship was approved. Unfortunately AT was not able to attend the chapters meeting for personal reasons.
A4: Actions and reports
A41. AT - Chair (Andrew Turvey)
Letter to CC is still outstanding due to a few last things that need incorporating (Wikimedia organisational structure diagram; clarification of lack of links to Wikia; etc.). Invoice for lawyers is outstanding as this work has not yet been completed.
SV: has been talking to a group of lawyers recently, who have put together a summary, which he has send around. MP will also post it to the office wiki.
TD pointed out that the voting forms do not currently have the standard text giving the teller the proxy vote. AT will investigate.
Membership: TD will create a list of all outstanding members (20) and will send it around for approval (will include email addresses with them).
15 people that are on a list of "unresolved cases" that are not yet on the register of members. Also 79 "pending memberships" (awaiting payment of membership fees).
Notice of AGM has been sent around to all members that we have an address for. There is an issue in that the Register of Members on the wiki does not have email addresses (this is in CiviCRM instead).
Blog post about the AGM, encouraging people to come along and get involved.
AT to go forward with Wikipics/usability (see 2010 Budget)
Toolserver - in progress. Mike discussed this at the chapters meeting.
BACS direct debit. TD has asked the co-op repeatedly for the forms, but they never sent them.
A42. MP - Secretary (Mike Peel)
Report was noted.
Various email opportunities e.g. Cancer Research UK-like workshops.
A43. TD - Treasurer (Thomas Dalton) (including Membership approvals)
Kick-start grant: unspent money will be returned to the WMF at the same time as the grant money is transferred.
WMF grant: 50% of fundraiser would be £212k (taking into account the money that the WMF raised). This is £38k short of what is in the budget - agreed to increase the grant amount to match the budget amount. Hence total of £250k from this year. Also £40k from last year. So total of £290k + kick-start grant (£2,988.74). Hence total of £293k. TD will instruct the bank next week, and contact the WMF to confirm the amount.
£421.70 for extra room and catering. Projector is £100. TD and SV to post invoices onto the office wiki. Outgoing board members + Gemma will have travel expenses paid to attend.
A431 Review of upcoming fundraising-related deadlines (including final decision on grant to pay to WMF)
TD to assemble reports for fundraising in February and March.
WMF fundraising agreement - deadline is April 15th. Two things remaining from last year. 50:50 revenue split: when they agreed the form of words that we had for last year, they said that they would accept it for last year but not for future years. However, system has now changed to have chapter targets.
Need to make it clear that the agreement is a "memorandum of understanding", rather than a formal agreement, with regards the legal situation with the transfer of money to the WMF via the grant.
A44. SV - Steve Virgin
Costs need to be put together and sent to TD. Room and food was paid for - so costs were minimal.
AGM costs - around £250-£270, taxi + flights + trains. Should be covered by annual conference budget.
Approval of draft invite: approved.
New members on the day: can register online (via a laptop) rather than by paper.
Recording of AGM: approved, so long as there are no objections by anyone to be recorded (particularly the speakers).
A45. GG - PR (Gemma Griffiths)
Continuation until December on the same basis as before was approved. Title of 'PR consultant'.
Pull-up banners: - Tom: Panyd has it, but has not been in contact recently. - Roger: has two in Derby.
Approval of printing off a new banner.
'Welcome to Wikipedia' leaflets.
B: Decisions needed
B1 AT - Annual General Meeting
B11 MP - Programme / Speakers
- 9.30 - Gathering. Badges + membership. #wmuk
- 9.50 - Welcome - MP (SV plan B)
- 10.00 - GLAM - MP
- 10.00 (20 mins) The History of the World in 100 articles (alt. to "Talking with Authority"); QR Codes or Why It's illegal to not use Wikipedia (Victuallers)
- 10.20 (15 mins) - Moving on from UK GLAM events to long term collaborations, projects and partnerships. (Fae)
- 10.35 - Wikipedia - TD
- 10.35 (15 mins) - WikiProject Good articles (Jezhotwells)
- 10.50 (15 mins) - Psychology on Wikipedia: the Good, Bad and Ugly (Martin Poulter)
- 11.05 - Break
- 11.15 - Wikipedia in Education - SV chairing
- 11.15 (30 mins) - Keynote - Ollie Bray
- 11.45 (30 mins) - Keynote - Dave Jarman / Nishan Canagaragh
- 12.15 - Lunch
- 13.00 - AGM - AT chairing
- 13.00 - welcome
- 13.10 - hustings and voting
- 13.45 - approval of minutes
- 14.00 - board report
- 14.25 - resolutions
- 14.50 - announcement of election results
- 15.00 - Tea + Coffee
- 15.15 - Education - TD
- 15.15 (25 mins) - Wikipedia Ambassadors UK : Building a program (Sadads)
- 15.40 (20 mins) - Wiki in the lecture room (Harrypotter)
- 16.00 (40 mins) - Content and coverage; where are we 10 years into the project? (Johnbod)
- 16.40 - Open Discussion - AT
- 17.15 - Close / summary - AT
- 17.30 - Finish. Pub or board meeting
B12 SV - Venue / Logistics
Need to move to bigger room; Steve will sort this out on Monday. Currently at 37 tickets 'sold'.
B13 SV/GG - Publicity
Social media covered by Sam Downie/AT/GG
Printing: SV will print off copies of the schedule for attendees.
B14 AT/TD - Membership
Discussed above.
B15 AT - Accounts
Trustees report - includes the accounts.
B16 AT/MP - Annual Report
Wikimedia UK in 2010-2011
Steve coordinating. Double sided A4.
- Overview / welcome - Andrew
- Wikipedian in Residence - ???
- GLAM-WIKI UK conference - Andrew
- Cancer Research UK - Mike (inc. BBC, Times coverage)
- Wikipedia's 10th Birthday - Steve (inc. media coverage)
- Fundraising Summit - Steve
- Fundraiser - Tom
- Financial summary - Andrew
Text and pictures on wiki. Couple of paragraphs each. 150-200 words.
C: AOB (10:25)
Prioritised Actions for completion prior to AGM
- AT - Send out the voting forms to members who aren't on mailing list (note notice re appointment of proxy needs changing)
- AT - Email invitation & voting papers to new members
- AT - Send charity reply to lawyers
Carried forward
- AT - Reply to lawyers re invoice
Carried forward
- AT - Accounts 2011
- AT - Sign NMM MoU (Monday)
Carried forward
- AT - Staff roadshow
Carried forward
- AT - Minutes of 2 February 2011
Carried forward
- AT - Expense req for travel on http://office.wikimedia.org.uk/wiki/Expenses/2011/Annual_Conference_2011
Carried forward
- AT - Send Corp Tax to TD
Carried forward
- AT - Claim £750 for accounts late filing
Carried forward
- AT - Chair AGM
- AT - Upload completed 2010 accounts to Wiki
- AT - donor privacy policy page
- AT - written legal advice onto wiki
Carried forward
- MP - inform all internal speakers, informing SV
- MP - Identify member applications, sending to board & get approved (with TD)
- MP - Sort out John's membership application + work through other pending membership applications
- MP - print off new banner for Imperial College
- MP - Review NMM MoU (by close Sunday)
- MP - Expense req for travel on http://office.wikimedia.org.uk/wiki/Expenses/2011/Annual_Conference_2011
- MP - Upload SV's lawyer beauty contest to office wiki
- MP - welcome to AGM & chair glam session
- TD - transfer money to WMF for £293,000 & email barry re this
- TD - New members - email round members (incl LG)
- TD - internet banking for MP & AT
- TD - Sign NMM MoU (Monday)
- TD - finalise the internal financial controls including resolution re signatories
- TD - email sizes of badges to SV
- TD - Prepare, obtain approval and submit reports for Feb & March fundraising off PayPal
- TD - invoices to pay incl AGM & brisWiki
- TD - bring laptop to AGM & arrange for members to join on the day
- TD - upload AGM invoices on wiki
- TD - Expense req for travel on http://office.wikimedia.org.uk/wiki/Expenses/2011/Annual_Conference_2011
- TD - chair wikipedia session at AGM
- TD - Pay Corp Tax
- SV (w. AT, GG, SV) - AGM blog post, promote on facebook, tweet round, linkedin, posterous
- SV - Organise Annual Conference speakers (internal & external)
- SV - Print out programmes
- SV - Send BrisWiki expenses to TD
- SV - Contact Medical Research Council
- SV - Introduce Ollie Bray etc at AGM
In progress matters handed over to new board
- New lawyers "beauty contest"
- Lawyers invoices
- 2011 Budget & Budget Holders
- Review of bankers
- WMKY grant request
- Corporate Membership
- Britain Loves Wikipedia prizes (MP)
- wikipedia.org.uk portal
- CiviCRM update version
- LSE panel in June
- Cancer Research UK like events
- OTRS backlog
- Fundraiser reports
- Fundraising Agreement
- Fundraising tests from 1 May onwards
- Charity Status
- Campus Ambassador
- Staff recruitment
- New office