Minutes 2024-06-11

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Wikimedia UK board meeting

11th June 2024, 10 am - 12:30 pm (in-person)


Chair’s Welcome
  1. Present, Apologies, and Introductions

Present: Monisha Shah (MS), Vivan Wineman (VW), Rod Ward (RW), Mark Cruickshank (MC), Caroline Ball (CB), Alex Ashby (AA),  Daria Cybulska (DC), Lucy Crompton-Reid (LCR), Sharon Mitcheson (SM), Belvin Tawuya (BT), Sarvesh Ramachandran (SR), (remote) and Chuks Ogbonna (CO) (minutes).

Apologies: Sangeet Bhullar (SB), Julian Manieson (JM) Sammy Tarling (ST), Adrian Beidas (AB).

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting, and BT was welcomed to the board meeting as the new Head of Development and Comms, members introduced themselves and their background to BT.

Declaration of interests: None

Review and Approval of minutes of the previous meeting Approved

Matters arising