
From Wikimedia UK
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This page is an attempt to describe the existing internal communications channels available to Wikimedia UK. If you have information to fill in some of the question-marks, please do!

What are Wikimedia UK's internal communications channels?

Channel What is it? Who is the audience? How many people subscribe? What content currently? How often is new content posted? What metrics exist to track?? By whom?
wikimediauk-l mailing list UK community mailing list Wikimedians 180 Events, announcements, discussion Several posts some weeks, others none email archive Discussion open to whole list Chapter blog Mixed ? News & announcements Every week or two standard website stats Board
Wikimedia UK wiki Wiki Wikimedians 58,173 registered users (6 active) Various Most days ? All registered users
Twitter: @wikimediauk Twitter account Mixed 1080 News, community news, media links, events livetweets Several times a week (more when events are on) Number of followers Presumably one or more individuals at board level?
Wikimedia UK Facebook Facebook account Mixed 67 This is actually a feed from WMUK's twitter I think Several times a week FB Pages provides data on "likes", "interactions" etc ?
Member mailing list Email/direct mail list? On CiviCRM? Wikimedians 150 ? ? ? Office (via CiviCRM?)
Donor mailing list Email list on CiviCRM Donors 40,000 - donors from 09 and 10 with email address, date of donation, opt-out status Thank you message ? Tracking opens & clicks is possible, not implemented Via CiviCRM
Site notices on WMF projects Wiki notices Everyone looking at the project Everyone using the project fundraiser Only used for fundraiser ? ?
Wikipedia Watchlist Geonotices Wiki notices Wikimedians All Wikimedians logged in within a specified geographic range - e.g. 1794 en.wikipedia users in Category:Wikipedians in the UK but probably many more than that. Mainly event invitations ? ? ?
Talk page messages on WMF projects Wiki notices Wikimedians Target wikimedians Only used in exceptional circumstances Very rarely None Mike Peel
Signpost articles Signpost Wikipedians (not just UK) Lots Occasional Chapter news stories ? ? ?

What do we know about these people?

Please add information about surveys etc of the various groups in the above table. In an ideal world we would know who they were, what they did, how they interact with Wikimedia projects and Wikimedia UK and what they think about the experience. We are quite far away from that, but any insight is valuable.

Since UK-specific data is scarce (if it exists at all) we please feel free to add global data.

August 2010 WMF Donor Survey PDF here

  • Donor demographics: Evenly distributed in age 16-69, professional and managerial jobs, very well educated (almost all graduates, high ratio of second degrees)
  • Donor motivations: Keep Wikipedia free, ensure others get benefit of knowledge. Typically see Wikipedia as one of many causes they support.
  • Editing behaviour of donors: 1/3 have edited (once or twice typically). Those who haven't, feel they don't have enough to contribute, or that they've not thought about contributing
  • Virtually no knowledge of local chapters.

March 2010 WMF/UNU MERIT ser Survey homepage

  • User demographics: Very young (average age 22), typically students. Donors rather older.
  • User editing behaviour: 1/3 of readers have edited, typically only once or twice. Women less likely to edit than men.
  • User donation behaviour: c.5% describe themselves as "sometiems donates", 0.4% as "regular donors". Propensity to give much much higher in the 30-85 age demographic. Women less likely to donate than men.
  • Little knowledge or user of projects other than Wikipedia.