Other Ways to Give

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Bank Transfer

We do accept bank transfers, although the most efficient way to give is with a direct debit. If you'd rather donate via bank transfer, please get in touch with us through the email below for bank details:

  • Fundraising Lead - George Colbourn (george.colbourn@wikimedia.org.uk)
  • info@wikimedia.org.uk
  • Phone: Tel: 0203 3720 760


Cheques should be payable to

Wikimedia UK

Remember us in your Will

Gifts in your Will to charities like Wikimedia UK are exempt from Inheritance Tax. If you decide to leave10% or more of your estate to charity will also mean that your whole estate benefits from a reduced level of Inheritance Tax. You can read more about this on the HMRC website

When leaving a gift to Wikimedia UK in your Will, it is important to use our full name, address and Charity number which is:

  • Wikimedia UK, c/o The British Library, Floor 4 Room 46018, 96 Euston Road, London NW1 2DB, Registered Charity No.1144513.

Bequests: Estate and specific gifts

There are two main ways to leave a gift in your will - you can specify a percentage of the value of your estate, or leave a specific gift or sum. Some example wording you could use in making these sorts of bequests would be:

  • I give **% of the residue of my real and personal estate which I can dispose of by Will in any manner I think proper to Wikimedia UK, c/o The British Library, Floor 4 Room 46018, 96 Euston Road, London NW1 2DB, Registered Charity No.1144513 and the receipt of the Treasurer or the proper officer for the time being of Wikimedia UK shall be a complete discharge to my Executors.

or if you wish to leave a specific sum:

  • I give the sum of £** pounds to Wikimedia UK, c/o The British Library, Floor 4 Room 46018, 96 Euston Road, London NW1 2DB, Registered Charity No.1144513 and the receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer for the time being of Wikimedia UK shall be a complete discharge to my Executors.

If you are interested in making this particularly special kind of gift to make our shared vision of free and open knowledge live on, please do get in touch with our Executive Director Lucy on Lucy.Crompton-Reid@wikimedia.org.uk. You can also find out more about leaving gifts to charity at www.rememberacharity.org.uk. If you let us know about a gift in your will we can let you know what we are achieving and the type of work your legacy will support.

Payroll Giving

If your employer operates a Payroll Giving scheme, you can make a regular, tax-efficient donation to Wikimedia UK via your payslip. Ask your payroll or HR department for a Payroll Giving Mandate. You can find out more about Payroll Giving here at www.tax-effective-giving.org.uk

Charities Aid Foundation

If you prefer to make a donation via CAF, please instruct CAF to make a donation to Wikimedia UK, charity registration number 1144513, and they will pass your donation on to us.