Project grants/Perth Women on Wikipedia

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Basic information

Project Title (If applicable)

Perth Women on Wikipedia

Proposed by

Gill Ryan (@Gillaween)

Are you currently a member of Wikimedia UK?

Project description

Culture PK libraries are generously hosting a Perth Women on Wikipedia workshop on International Women's Day (8 March 2025). They are not charging for room hire but we would like to be able to contribute to the costs of providing refreshments for workshop participants.

Describe project activities. What will you use the funding to do?

We will use the funding to provide tea/coffee and pastries for participants of a 3 hour editathon on International Women's Day in AK Bell Library, Perth.

Amount requested


Describe your plan for evaluating this project. How will you measure success? What types of things will you measure (e.g. content, participants)?

We will have a dashboard recording the number of editors, and how many words, images, sources and articles are added on the day and for a week afterwards (to allow editors to complete what they're working on). As trainer, I will also seek verbal feedback based on the expected outcomes of the participants recorded at the outset of the workshop. Culture PK libraries will do follow up evaluation questionnaire.

Identify key people involved in this project. How will or could the wider Wikimedian community be involved?

Gill Ryan, Wikimedia trainer Kirsty Brown, Learning and Engagement Manager, Culture PK libraries Dr Sara Thomas - all-knowing provider of guidance on issues relating to running a workshop, and access to training slides We can also put out a call for any Scottish editors who may be available to assist - in person or virtually

If applicable, identify partnering organisations for this project (not essential)

Culture Perth & Kinross libraries

Who will be recording/measuring the project metrics, and writing up a project report?

Gill Ryan

What meeting or other space is needed?


Are other resources needed (such as computers, books, camera equipment, food, contacts, infrastructure)? How will they be sourced?


If any partner organisations have been identified, have they been contacted and are they committed?


Does this project require more extensive funding? What would any WMUK funds be used for?


Are external funds needed that we can apply for? If so where will they be sought?


Are there any resources that you can contribute? Such as equipment.


Talk:Project grants/Perth Women on Wikipedia