This page is kept as an archival reference.If you want to raise a point about it, please start a discussion thread on the community forum.
This timeline was adopted as an objective by the Board on 2 October 2008. It is discussed and updated at each board meeting.
Date planned* / Achieved
Start publicising the chapter and getting supporters
29 August 2008
Close list of candidates, deadline for candidate statements, begin public questioning of candidates
13 September 2008
End questions, begin voting
20 September 2008 0:01 UTC
Finish voting
27 September 2008, 23:59 UTC
Construct board, elect officers
2 October 2008
Submit draft Memorandum and Arts to Chapter Committee and begin negotiations with WMF
16 October 2008
Submit application to Companies House
30 October 2008
Company Incorporated at Companies House
5 November 2008
Begin opening bank account
14 November 2008
Conclude negotiations with ChapCom
18 November 2008
Begin inviting applications for membership
19 November 2008
Apply to HMRC for tax-exempt status
23 November 2008
Wikimedia Foundation approval as a chapter
12 January 2009
Sign contract with WMF
2 February 2009
Approve applications for membership received so far
17 February 2009
Finish opening bank account
26 February 2009
Begin accepting donations
26 February 2009
Notice of AGM issued Invitation for candidates issued
20 March 2009
Chapters Meeting in Berlin
3-5 April 2009
Deadline for nominations
5 April 2009 (23:59 GMT)
Ballot papers issued
8 April 2009
Deadline for receiving membership applications by mail
18 April 2009
Finish processing applications for membership (in person)
26 April 2009
Annual General Meeting
26 April 2009 (1pm, BST)
Six month deadline for holding AGM
4 May 2009
Receive tax-exempt status
June? 2009
* The further in the future a planned date is, the more liable it is to be changed.