User:Toni Sant (WMUK)/WMUK WikiLibrary

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Comment This is a sub-page containing initial ideas about plans for a possible WMUK Library containing books about Wikipedia, Wikimedia, and other wiki-related works.
Comment Please do not edit this page, just yet... It will eventually be moved to a more appropriate URL and opened for suggestions from the WMUK community.

BROUGHTON, J., 2008. Wikipedia the missing manual. Beijing: Farnham.

CARR, N., 2010. The shallows : how the Internet is changing the way we think, read and remember. London: Atlantic.

DALBY, A., 2009. The World and Wikipedia: How We Are Editing Reality. Somerset: Siduri.

EBERSBACH, A., GLASER, M. and HEIGL, R., 2006. Wiki Web Collaboration. Berlin: Springer.

LIH, A., 2010. The Wikipedia Revolution: How a Bunch of Nobodies Created The World's Greatest Encyclopedia. Londn: Arunm Press, Ltd.

MADER, S., 2008. Wikipatterns. Indianapolis: Wiley.

O'SULLIVAN, D., 2009. Wikipedia: A New Community of Practice? Surrey: Ashgate.

REAGLE, M., 2010. Good Fatih collaboration: The Culture of Wikipedia. London: MIT Press.

SEIGENTHALER, J., 2008-last update, A False Wikipedia 'Biography' [Homepage of USA Today], [Online]. Available: [December, 2012].

TAPSCOTT, D. and WILLIAMS, A.D., 2010. Macrowikinomics: Rebooting Business and the World. London: Atlantic Books.

VICKERY, G. and WUNSCH-VINCENT, S., 2007. Participative Web and User-Created Content: Web 2.0, Wikis and Social Networking. OECD.

WEST, J.A. and WEST, M.L., 2009. Using wikis for online collaboration : the power of the read-write web. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.