WMUK membership survey 2013/Survey draft
Introduction and privacy notice
Thank you for helping Wikimedia UK (WMUK) by taking this survey - it should take no more than ten minutes of your time.
The survey is in two parts:
- Part 1 is not anonymous and is linked to the email address the survey has been sent to. It asks questions about your experiences as a member, including the governance of the chapter, membership services, member benefits and your engagement with our work. You will have the option to tick whether you wish to be contacted in relation to your responses by email - for example, if we could use your experience as a case study or offer you the opportunity to be contacted about events your responses indicate you would be interested in.
- Part 2 is anonymous and you may chose to skip it all or in part as all questions are optional. This is a series of demographic monitoring questions, including gender, age, sexuality, disability and barriers to participation. It will also include a free form comment section for anybody who wishes to make comments they felt unable to include in the non-anonymous part of the survey. You do not have to complete it for your earlier responses to be received.
Your responses will be stored in survey monkey and can only be accessed by a limited number of WMUK staff. When the meta report about the results has been produced and any responses that can be followed up stored on your member contact record, all individual responses will be deleted. This will be within 60 days of the survey closing. Your personal information will be handled according to the SurveyMonkey privacy policy and (which WMUK privacy policy?)
The results will inform the WMUK membership strategy and the decisions made about the benefits and services offered to members. We will publish the results of the survey publicly on our website within 30 days of the survey closing, and provide a 'You said: We did' report within six months demonstrating how responses are helping improve what the Charity offers members. Both reports will be emailed to all members.
If you have any questions please email membership@wikimedia.org.uk or check our survey FAQs.
- Why did you become a member of WMUK? Please select all that apply.
- To support Wikipedia [Tick]
- To support the Wikimedia projects [Tick]
- To support Wikimedia activities in the UK [Tick]
- To find out more information about Wikimedia activities in the UK [Tick]
- To vote in WMUK's trustee elections [Tick]
- To vote on resolutions at WMUK's AGM [Tick]
- To apply for a microgrant [Tick]
- Other (please specify) [Free text]
- What prompted you to become a member of WMUK? Please select all that apply.
- Attendance at a WMUK event (excluding AGMs) [Tick]
- Attendance at a WMUK AGM [Tick]
- Donating to WMUK [Tick]
- Media coverage of WMUK and its activities [Tick]
- Hearing about WMUK on the Wikimedia projects [Tick]
- Referred by a friend [Tick]
- Other (please specify) [Free text]
- How have you been involved in WMUK's activities? Please select all that apply.
- Attending WMUK events [Tick]
- Donated to WMUK [Tick]
- Participating in discussions on the WMUK wiki [Tick]
- Interacted with other WMUK members and volunteers [Tick]
- Interacted with WMUK's staff members [Tick]
- Interacted with WMUK's board members [Tick]
- Voted in WMUK's trustee elections [Tick]
- Voted on resolutions at WMUK's AGM [Tick]
- Received a WMUK microgrant [Tick]
- Other (please specify) [Free text]
- Please can you describe your positive experiences as a member? Why would you recommend membership to other people?
- [Free text]
- Please can you describe any negative experiences as a member? How would you suggest to improve this?
- [Free text]
- Which of the following topics are you interested in discussing? Please select all that apply.
- Membership matters [Tick]
- Governance matters [Tick]
- Movement issues [Tick]
- Outreach ideas [Tick]
- Other (please specify) [Free text]
- How would you like to interact with WMUK? Please select all that apply.
- Email [Tick]
- IRC [Tick]
- Telephone [Tick]
- Public wiki [Tick]
- Private (WMUK members only) wiki [Tick]
- Facebook [Tick]
- Twitter [Tick]
- Other (please specify) [Free text]
One of the main types of activities that WMUK organises are offline events. This section will help us decide what sort of events to organise.
- Have you ever been to a Wikimedia UK event or meetup?
- Meetup [Tick]
- Event [Tick]
- Both [Tick]
- Neither [Tick]
- What type of events have you attended? Please select all that apply.
- Meetups
- Other social events
- Photography events
- Tours of Museums
- Editathons
- Conferences
- Training events to improve my wiki skills
- Training events to teach others wiki skills
- None
- Other (please specify) [Free text]
- Do you have any comments about the event(s) you attended? [free text]
- Which type of events would you be interested in attending? Please select all that apply.
- (As per previous question)
- Where would you be interested in attending events (please tick all that apply) Please note that we do value our international members, but we don't currently organise events outside the United Kingdom.
- Scotland: As defined by this
- Eastern Scotland
- Southwestern Scotland
- North Eastern Scotland
- Highlands and Islands
- England: as defined by this
- East of England
- East Midlands
- London
- North East
- North West
- South East
- South West
- West Midlands
- Yorkshire and the Humber
- Wales: as defined by this
- West Wales [Yes/No/Maybe]
- East Wales [Yes/No/Maybe]
- The Valleys
- Scotland: As defined by this
- Northern Ireland: as defined by this
- Belfast
- Outer Belfast
- East
- North
- West and South
- Remote -
- Online [Yes/No/Maybe]
- What sort of factors have prevented you from attending events in the past?
- Too far from where I live
- Travel too expensive
- Took place during the day
- Took place while I was at work
- Took place at the weekend
- Not enough advance notice
- Filled up too fast
- Venue not wheelchair accessible
- Venue not child friendly
- Would prefer to participate in an online event
- Other (Please specify)
- What would help you attend future events?
- Events are held at nearby locations
- Scholarships are available to cover the costs of attending the event
- Events take place during the evening
- Events take place during the weekend
- Events are advertised further in advance of them taking place
- More capacity is available at events
- The venue needs to be wheelchair accessible
- The venue needs to be child friendly
- There needs to be a hearing loop at the venue
- There needs to be somewhere to park my car
- There needs to be good public transport
- Online participation is possible
- Other (Please specify)
- Have you found the process of applying for and renewing membership easy or straightforward?
- Yes
- No
- Don't know
- (If no) What problems did you experience?
- [Free text]
- What improvements would you like to see to membership sign up and renewal? Please rank the following
- Option to sign up to pay annually by direct debit
- Ability to access and update my membership record, contact details and communication preferences online
- A clear induction process for new members
- A welcome gift for new members
- A welcome back email for renewing members
- Other (please share your ideas) [Free text]
- Have you contacted the charity staff using the membership
wikimedia.org.uk email address? Was the response satisfactory
- No - have not contacted
- Yes - response was satisfactory
- Yes - response took too long
- Yes - response did not answer my question
- Yes - Other (please specify)
- Do you feel staff are generally responsive to members' queries?
- Yes
- No
- Don't know
- Please give details if you wish to expand on your answer [Free text]
- Have you contacted a staff member before by any of the following methods? (Tick all that apply)
- User Talk page
- Direct email contact
- Indirect email contact (via info@wikimedia.org.uk or a member of staff)
- Discussion pages on UK wiki - particularly for articles on board meetings
- Contacting the Wikimedia UK office via telephone
- In person at events or volunteer meetups
- None - I have never contacted a staff member
- Other (Please specify)
- Would you be interested in participating in a members workshop or workshops (online or offline) that is themed around policy and governance, aimed at ensuring more members are engaged with the executive leadership and oversight of the Chapter?
- Yes
- No
- Don't know
Member benefits
- Following are some suggestions for potential benefits to be offered to members. Please rate from 1 - 5 these benefits in terms of the importance you would like to see Wikimedia UK place on securing them for members in the next 12 months (with 1 as most important and 5 as least important).
- A welcome gift, such as a badge [Tick]
- A welcome gift, such as a T-shirt [Tick]
- Access to reference material that is normally behind a paywall [Tick]
- Privileged access to WMUK events [Tick]
- This is not important to me [Tick]
- WMUK membership user box for member user pages on Wiki project sites
- Other (please specify) [Free text]
- Wikimedia UK provides members with a monthly membership e-newsletter. Have you read this?
- Yes [Tick]
- No [Tick]
- Not sure [Tick]
- (If yes) Which of the following statements apply? Please rate from 1 - 5 the following statements in terms of how much you agree with them (with 1 as strongly agree and 5 as strongly disagree).
- The content has been informative
- I feel understand more about the role of members in the charity
- The content is about topics I am interested in
- There have been enough contributions from members directly
- Other (please tell us what you think) [Free text]
- (If no) Why not? (tick all that apply)
- Haven't received a copy
- Not enough time
- Not interested in reading a newsletter
- Not interested in the topics covered
- Other (please specify) [Free text]
- Would you like the newsletter emailed to a different address? If so, please enter it here ( )
- It has been suggested that members may benefit from or prefer a members-only wiki, to discuss internal issues or concerns. Would you use this if it was available
- Yes [Tick]
- No [Tick]
- Not sure [Tick]
- I would prefer to use the public wiki for all discussions [Tick]
- I would not use a wiki for discussions [Tick]
- Other (please specify) [Free text]
- Members are entitled to apply for migrogrants of up to £150 to support work that meets the charity's objects. Have you ever applied for a microgrant?
- Yes
- No
- (If yes) How did you find the experience of applying for a microgrant. Please rate from 1 - 5 the following statements in terms of how much you agree with them (with 1 as most agree and 5 as strongly disagree).
- It was straightforward
- I was satisfied with the outcome
- I felt the process was fair
- I felt the decision was made in a reasonable timescale
- It made a positive difference to a piece or work or project I was working on.
- Other (please tell us what you think) [free text]
- (If no) What were the reasons you did not apply for a microgrant. Please rate from 1 - 5 the following statements in terms of how much you agree with them (with 1 as most agree and 5 as strongly disagree).
- I was not aware this was possible
- I found the on-wiki application process offputting
- I could not think of a way to support my editing or volunteer work with a grant
- Other (please tell us what you think) [free text]
- This is the link to the membership area on the UK Wiki (http://uk.wikimedia.org/wiki/Membership). Do you think this has enough information about membership processes and benefits?
- Yes
- No
- Don't know
- (If no or don't know) Here are suggested areas for development - please select those that you think are important to put in place. Feel free to add additional ideas
- A membership FAQ page covering topics from how to get involved to sign-up issues
- A dedicated sign up page that clarifies the process for new and renewing members
- Case studies of members who have benefited from their membership
- A dedicated page about Staff, with biographies and links to their user talk pages on the UK Wiki
- An overview of the role of members, including details of benefits and ways to work within the Chapter
- An organisational structure page, linking members, volunteers (including Trustees) and staff
- A dedicated page about Trustees, with biographies and links to their user talk pages on the UK Wiki
- All of the above
- Other [free text]
- Do you feel Trustees are responsive to members' concerns?
- Yes
- No
- Don't know
- Please give details if you wish to expand on your answer [Free text]
- Have you contacted a Trustee before by any of the following methods? (Tick all that apply)
- User Talk page
- Direct email contact
- Indirect email contact (via info@wikimedia.org.uk or a member of staff)
- Discussion pages on UK wiki - particularly for articles on board meetings
- Contacting the Wikimedia UK office via telephone
- In person at events or volunteer meetups
- None - I have never contacted a UK Trustee
- Other (Please specify)
- Do you feel you have a clear understanding of the role members play in the organisation of Wikimedia UK?
- Yes
- No
- Not sure
- Please rank in order of most relevant the following statements about the role members play in the organisation of Wikimedia UK, with most relevant ranked '1'.
- Helping promote the work of the Chapter as a part of the movement
- Creating cross-Chapter projects
- Working with non-members in the Wikimedia UK volunteer community on project work
- Helping promote the work the Wikimedia mission
- Working to strengthen other chapters by sharing best practice
- Acting as a link between the Chapter and the volunteer community
- Seeing developments in the movement are translated into policy and direction for the Chapter
- Other (please specify) [Free text]
Other comments
- Do you have any other comments you would like to make about Wikimedia UK or its activities? Note that comments you make here will be associated with your email address, which is useful if you would like follow up on any of your comments. You can make anonymous comments in part 2 of the survey. [free text]
Wikimedia UK is a registered UK Charity which seeks as a part of its public objects; "...to promote and support the widest possible public access to, use of and contribution to open content of an encyclopaedic or educational nature or of similar utility to the general public, in particular the open content supported and provided by the Wikimedia Foundation..."
The Wikimedia Foundation's current five-year plan has key strategic aims which include 'Increasing participation' and 'Increasing reach' in the editor community. This is understood to mean we want more people to participate in contributing to the Wikimedia projects, and we want to reach out to less-well-represented groups and engage them.
It is helpful to the Wikimedia UK board of trustees and staff to understand approximately what the demographic profile of the Charity's membership is to see if our membership may have particular needs which should be catered for, and to see if our membership is reflecting a good range of people with different characteristics. For example; if we knew we had a large number of unwaged/low income members that would inform continuing discussions about fees or member benefits. Or; if we knew we had no members over sixty years old we might want to look at partnering with organisations that work predominantly with people in that age group to develop a more appealing offer, specific events or targeted recruitment.
All the questions are optional. Please answer as many as you wish - the more information we have the more we can make decisions based on who are members really are. All responses are completely anonymous and will not be shared individually, but rather as a meta-report summarising all responses.
(NB this section should be separate, anonymised and no questions require an answer. Some demographic data is better than none, and if we have a good explanation of why we're collecting it that may motivate people to fill it in?)
- Which gender are you?
- Male
- Female
- Other (please specify) [free text]
- Prefer not to say
- Are you living in the gender you were assigned at birth?
- No
- Yes
- Do not understand question
- Prefer not to say
- How do you identify your sexual orientation?
- Straight
- Gay
- Lesbian
- Bisexual
- Asexual
- Other (please specify) [free text]
- Prefer not to say
- How old are you?
- What is your year of birth (Free text)
- Prefer not to say
- What is the highest level of education you have completed?
- Entry level qualifications or equivalent (e.g, an ESOL certificate)
- GCSE, A-level, HNC or equivalent or equivalent (e.g. AS level, International Baccalaureate, NVQ level 3, HND, diploma to level 2, etc)
- Level 5 NVQ, Certificate of higher education or equivalent (e.g. BTEC Advanced Professional, Higher national certificate)
- Foundation or bachelors degree or equivalent (e.g. diploma of higher education, higher national diploma, PGCE, graduate certificate or diploma)
- Masters degree or equivalent (e.g. Postgraduate certificate or diploma)
- Doctoral degree
- Other (please specify) [free text]
- Prefer not to say
- What is your ethnic group or background? [1]
- White - English / Welsh / Scottish / Northern Irish / British
- White - Irish
- White - Gypsy or Irish Traveller
- White - Any other White background, please describe
- Mixed / Multiple ethnic groups - White and Black Caribbean
- Mixed / Multiple ethnic groups - White and Black African
- Mixed / Multiple ethnic groups - White and Asian
- Mixed / Multiple ethnic groups - Any other Mixed / Multiple ethnic background, please describe below
- Asian / Asian British - Indian
- Asian / Asian British - Pakistani
- Asian / Asian British - Bangladeshi
- Asian / Asian British - Chinese
- Asian / Asian British - Any other Asian background, please describe
- Black / African / Caribbean / Black British - African
- Black / African / Caribbean / Black British - Caribbean
- Black / African / Caribbean / Black British Any other Black / African / Caribbean background, please describe below
- Other ethnic group - Arab
- Other ethnic group - Any other ethnic group, please describe below
- Prefer not to say
- If your ethnic background is one of the "other" categories, please give a brief description [free text]
- Are your day-to-day activities limited because of a health problem or disability which has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months? (including problems due to old age)
- Yes, limited a lot [tick]
- Yes, limited a little [tick]
- No [tick]
- Wikimedia UK has a portable hearing loop (Audio induction loop) available for use at events, etc. Is there any similar equipment you are aware of that would enable or aid wider participation? [free text]
- Which languages do you speak?
Not at all A little Moderately Fluently Cornish (Kernewek) English Irish Gaelic (Gaeilge) Scots Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) Welsh (Cymraeg) Other (please specify)
- Any other comments? Note that any comments you leave here are completely anonymous and so we will not be able to follow up with you individually. [free text]