Agenda 1Mar11/Steve's Report
Activities to report
1)Bristol Saturday March 19
In addition to students from both universities that are being invited by the senior professors involved in organising this event...other likely attendees: ARKIVE/Wildscreen; Knowle West Media centre; Bristol Cathedral School; Bristol Festival of Ideas; Bristol Media; BBC Bristol and other possible content share/donor organisations
2) Speakers for AGM - agreement in principle (need to confirm) - would be 'sharing her' with Festival of Ideas who would run an evening event
3) ARKIVE - very interested in shaping a programme to take a 'In Residency' person for a few weeks whose job would be to process 11,000 article content + build e-volunteer program + work on improving links on existing Wiki pages relating to all things arkive
Outstanding actions
- AT to work with SV on sending out AGM notices.
- SV to work with JS on inviting speakers for the AGM/Annual Conference