Agenda 29Jun10/Chair's Report
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- Actions
- Charity application: various calls, emails with board members solicitors; meeting proposed for 2nd July
- TD, AT, MP: Update bank account signatories - a/w TD
- Order new business cards for AT, MP, TD, SV, LW plus general information cards - cards ordered for AT, question about quality so I woudl like to wait until they've arrived before ordering more
- AT & MP to talk offline about communications strategy - see agenda
- AT to send around a more concise job description / responsibilities list for his job/role, via email - completed by email
- AT to send SV notes from telephone conversation about SV's role - completed
- JS, AT to draw up a proposal/plan for an Advisory Board. Need to have a clear idea of how the advisory board will be used. - completed see agenda
- Andrew to chase the auditor for details of what he needs to carry out the audit - chased Anand, who has come back now and said he isn't able to do the work for us - would you like me to approach a mainstream firm of auditors?
- AT to ask the foundation (via Sue) for advice on hiring low-level staff and writing job descriptions. - done, a/w response
- AT to approach some agencies to find out the costs of using them to hire staff - done see email discussion
- AT and TD prepare a report for the WMF chapters grant, for email approval, and to approach the Foundation to extend the grant -
Carried forward
- All to work on office manager job description on the wiki. - done
- chased Pavel re the Toolserver Association working group
- chased Guillaume re the usability project (see 2010 Budget)
- AT to judge WLA prizes -
Carried forward
- AT to respond to ORG re their grant application -
Carried forward