Agenda 8Apr11/Chair's Report
Activities to report
Mike and I have signed the 2009 accounts as have UHY. Electronic copy has been received and will be uploaded to the wiki. Amended full accounts filed with Companies House on 25 March and are currently showing on the record.
They have also sent through the corporation tax which I will arrange with Tom to pay.
I met with the accounts manager this morning for an update. The accounts preparation for 2011 itself is largely complete now and the audit will start next week. There has been a slight delayed due to compassionate leave for one of their staff. However, they are aware that our AGM is next Saturday and will try to get it completed and signed by then. There is, however, a risk that we have to go to the AGM with unaudited drafts.
It would be good to have transferred at least some of the amounts to the Foundation prior to accounts finalisation so we can include this as a post balance sheet event.
I have followed up the outstanding money payable to the OKFN re last year's conference and they will raise an invoice for £1,373.
Legal update
I have started to look at the redrafted letter which was pulled together in January, but still needs to incorporate some changes, in particular regarding the diagram showing the WMUK-WMF relationship.
Lawyers are chasing payment of their invoices.
Company Secretarial
I drafted and sent out the AGM Notice and invitation for candidates. I have been liaising with James regarding the voting information and will forward the list of candidates to members not on the WMUK email list.
Although Charles spent significant time on the Register of Members before his contract finished, there are still multiple issues with the Register of Members on CiviCRM:
a) There are ca. 40 members on the Register of Members on the wiki who aren't in CiviCRM b) The CiviCRM list ha many duplicates c) The CiviCRM lit has many people on it with no email address d) There are around 15 people who have unresolved membership applications - people who applied for membership but we couldn't trace their receipts
As a result I decided to go back to simple bcc emails; there is a danger this will stop working when our members list grows much more as it will start getting trapped by spam filters.
I have been speaking with Chris Keating regarding a content partnership he is negotiating with the National Maritime Museum. Wording of the Memorandum of Understanding has been run by the WMF and agreed by the Board and is pending signing.
I received calls on the WMUK phone while Mike was out of the country. One was from the BBC World Service wanting to interview a Wikipedian academic in follow up to Mike's newspaper article - spoke to Mike and Martin Poulter about this and in the end Rod Ward did the interview.
We also had a query from a Sun journalist wanting information on the most edited Wikipedia articles which I provided - sounded like a filler article in preparation for a slow newsday. Not heard anything back on this.
Two other calls were enquiring about subjects of Wikipedia articles which I couldn't help.
Started to have fortnightly conference calls meetings with Gemma
Staff recuitment
Tried to arrange a day when both me and either Mike and Tom could go to London to roadshow some employment agencies but unable to fund a suitable date yet.
Charles's contract has now expired and I have arranged the payroll and P45. There are some outstanding actions that need to be done:
- Some cheques, details on the office wiki, remain to be acknowledged
- People who donated more than £100 were processed separately so their details are not on CiviCRM
- Cheque donors are not on CiviCRM
- The PO Box will close at the end of April
Outstanding actions
- AT to go forward with Wikipics/usability (see 2010 Budget)
- AT to contact WMDE about how we spend the toolserver-allocated money
- AT to obtain a quote from our payroll company now appointed for BACS bureau/direct debit
- AT to append a banner to the bottom of the donor privacy policy page linking to the marked up version showing the changes from the Foundation's version.
Carried forward
- AT to work with SV on sending out AGM notices.
- AT and MP to formally sign the accounts.
- TD and AT to implement the changes to the accounting processes
- AT to talk to solictors regarding our charity application again, and find out how much the extra costs would be.
Carried forward
- AT to ask our accountants for input on 2011 Budget/Controls
Carried forward (they have been asked)
- AT to report back to WMKY on their proposal
Carried forward (next board)
- AT to ask about the global WMF fundraiser report
- AT to look into the position with L.
Carried forward
- AT to upload to the wiki the written legal advice received on the 2010 fundraiser agreement.
Carried forward