Community Development Committee CHARTER

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The Wikimedia UK (WMUK) Community Development Committee ("the Committee") is a committee formed by the Board of Trustees ("the board") that exists to advise the board on community and volunteer issues generally, and to  consider any community-related matters that may be delegated to the Committee by the board. The Committee operates under the charter set out below.

Constitution and Composition

  1. The Committee is a standing committee of the board, of up to 6 members in total.
  2. The Committee consists of at least three trustee members
  3. The board may appoint up to three non-trustee members. Non-trustee members have full committee privileges, including voting rights, except as indicated below.
  4. The chair of the Committee will be appointed by the board, and must be a serving Trustee.
  5. The board may invite observers. If observers are invited, they may attend and participate in meetings of the Committee, at the discretion of the chair, but they may not vote.
  6. The Chief executive of the charity will attend meetings as a non-voting member; unless this responsibility is delegated to another member of the Senior Management Team.
  7. Membership of the Committee and observers (if any) are determined by the board, and will be reviewed at least annually.


The board hereby delegates to the Committee under article 21 the authority to act on the board's behalf as set out in this charter.


The Committee's remit is:

  1. To review and advise the Board on the charity’s community development activities, with a particular focus on volunteer engagement.
  2. To review and advise the Board on priorities for community development, particularly in relation to specific demographic groups; drawing on the available data and the principles identified within our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Framework.
  3. To advise the Board on general and specific issues about the volunteer community and community engagement
  4. To consider and advise the Board on planned volunteer engagement activities - such as training, networking and consultation - and scrutinise their impact and effectiveness.
  5. To support the development, implementation and analysis of community monitoring as appropriate - for example, the annual Community Leaders Survey.
  6. To consider any related matters that are explicitly delegated to the Committee by the board.

Additional Powers

In carrying out its functions the Committee is authorised:

  1. to obtain any information it may reasonably require from any employee, volunteer or trustee of the charity, and all employees, volunteers, trustees and agents of the charity are directed to cooperate with any such request made by the Committee (if any information is considered of a deeply personal nature, this may be made available only to the chair of the Committee);
  2. to obtain at the charity’s expense any legal or other professional advice it may reasonably need.

Meetings and Reporting

  1. Meetings will be called by the chair of the Committee;
  2. Designated staff will be in attendance, as agreed by the Committee and the Chief Executive;
  3. If requested by the Chair, the Committee will be supported by WMUK staff;
  4. All acts and proceedings of the Committee must be fully and promptly reported to the board, as required by article 21.1;
  5. The Committee must ensure that its meetings and deliberations comply with the trustee and committee member codes of conduct and with the trustee and committee member conflict of interest policies. Where a conflicted trustee or committee member is under those policies excluded from the decision-making process the Committee chair must inform the chair of the board immediately;
  6. The Committee must report publicly wherever possible. It can report confidentially to the board when it feels that confidential reporting is appropriate.


Where the Committee is exercising a decision-making power that has been delegated to it by the board, the following shall apply:

  1. In addition to an in-person meeting, a meeting of the Committee may take place using any electronic, text-, voice- or video-based, real-time communication medium, where all members present can send and receive messages from all other members present;
  2. Questions arising at a meeting shall be decided by a majority of votes;
  3. No decision may be made by a meeting unless a quorum of two trustee members is present at the time the decision is purported to be made. A member shall not be counted in the quorum when any decision is made about a matter upon which that member is not entitled to vote;
  4. Decisions of the Committee should not conflict with a prior decision of the board.