Conference Committee/Planning meeting 10/Minutes
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- Harry Mitchell (HJM; chair)
- Mike Peel (MP; board liaison)
- Daria Cybulska (DC; office liaison)
- Katie Chan (KC)
- Rock drum (RD)
- Tom Morton (TM)
- Toni Sant (TS; for EduWiki)
- Apologies for absence etc.
Internal business
- One year old; TM noted that the commitees seem to comprise of same old faces
- New members;
- ACTION: KC to process feedback forms from the AGM and pass any details onto HJM.
- ACTION: KC to process feedback forms from the AGM and pass any details onto HJM.
- Roles; DC, MP happy to continue as staff and board liasons, respectively, for the time being
- HJM offered to hold the position of chair on the committee; no objections were raised
WikiConference UK 2013
- HJM; how did we feel it went? Pointed at the /Lessons page
- TM: everyone seemed happy
- HJM: just under bugdet
- DC: if we'd have had more people then it would have been more expensive
- Discussion of feedback
- Venue & Location
- Train travel was a pain because of engineering work
- MP: next time it would be worth checking for engineering work in advance and advising attendees.
- Train travel was a pain because of engineering work
- Venue & Location
- MP: feedback from the board meeting, nothing much to report :)
- HJM asked MP to pass on any comments from the forhcoming board meeting
- DC: is anyone writing a report from the Committee to the Board
- MP: good idea, we do have things to report
- ACTION: write a report for the board r.e. committee, 2013 conference etc. Deadline: 3 July
- Discussion of feedback from the conference
- TM: tech/speakers/presentations - needs to be more streamlined
- MP: we need someone responsible for tech support
- MP: where were the plug sockets??
- TM/DC: the other side of the room
- MP: we need to signpost them
- MP: where were the plug sockets??
- Discussion of alternating location
- Location of breakout rooms.
- HJM: bit out of the way
- KC: it wasn't far... but downstairs
- DC: which means people didn't really know what was going on
- HJM: Breakout rooms ideally need to be visible from plenary room
- HJM: milling aorund/food in the plenary room meant people stayed there
- TM: needs the food to be in the middle of the two rooms!
- MP: was like this at GLAM-Wiki and that worked
- TM: needs the food to be in the middle of the two rooms!
- HJM: bit out of the way
- Name badges: we need to work on this.
- DC: eventbrite did actually ask what people wanted on their badges
- Worth thinking about still
- HJM: People pay very little attention to these things; if we can make it more striking, we should
- HJM: On-wiki registration
- KC: might not be using EventBrite next year
- DC: difficult to manage between two different systems and keep the lists in sync
- HJM: Wikipedians really like wikis so we should try and meet that expectation (complimentary to formal registration, not in place of it)
- Should we have pre-vote checking of membership and different badges/lanyards when they register, to make the vote better.
- General discussion about this; it would be quite a faff
- MP: can we hand out ballots at the registration desk - when signing in
- RD: that means we need to check at the registration desk
- TM: requires a teller at the desk
- RD: at EGM during GLAM-Wiki non-members would have been segregated to help with vote counting
- HJM: does this put across the wrong message?
- Advertise the Friday night meetup in advance better
- It was an informal event so no one really mentioned it externally... it just happened
- Discussion was on the internal lists, not wikimediauk-l - should it have been more public?
- HJM: would that not annoy the many more members who weren't coming Friday night?
- DC was going to suggest a dedicated mailing list for the conference, as chapters conf and wikimania do.
TS joined the meeting at this point.
- Clash with ORG conference
- HJM: unfortunate. When do they schedule their conferences?
- DC: well in advance, before us
- Anyone involved with ORG?
- DC & Jon have contact - maybe check with them when deciding on the next event.
- Speakers overran
- HJM: need to be stricter on timekeeping
- TM: need more session moderators, but they need to be more proactive. Explicit time for questions at the end
- DC: that was the plan but it didn't quite work out
- HJM: we just need to be more rigid on times and keep on top of speakers; moderators need to be more assertive with speakers
- HJM: timing wasn't awful, could have been better but pretty good
- Feedback on talks
- Everyone seemed pretty happy with the content/talks
- HJM: Malta Music Memory Project was mentioned several times in the Feedback in a negative way
- TS: speaker did feel afterwards he hadn't delivered well
- KC: feedback was most concerened r.e. technical content
- HJM: what can we do about this?
- DC: find out from the communtiy what they want, and commiunicate this more carefully to speakers
- RD: notes for speakers r.e. what is appropriate
- Somebody suggested general "information for speakers" to be distributed in advance; consensus was that this was a very good idea
- ACTION: Put together notes for speakers at future conferences & generally working on the speaker management stuff
- General feeling that 2 hrs was the limit
- HJM: but unfortunately we didn't ask where they were from!!
- KC: the form is selective because it was filled in by people who chose to travel in the first place
- HJM: wherever we put it someone will have to travel
- TS: discussed a rotation system used for EduWiki (example at WikiConference UK_2013/Lessons)
- General feeling was that we are happy with the current London/non-London rotation for the time being
WikiConference UK 2014
- HJM: when should it be held? We can push the 15-month limit and hold it in September to give maximum time for accounts, or somehow incorporate it into Wikimania
- The committee discussed the benefits of holding the conference during Wikimania
- MP: we could just say it was at Wikimania and specify a date closer to the time, as we only legally need 21 days' notice
- How many days after the main conference will the Barbican hired for?
- Could hold the conference during the hackathon, on the second day.
- Could voting be scheduled in advance for those who didn't want to take part in other parts of the AGM?
- The AGM this year was 105 minutes. The elections and specifically the Q&A portion is the most time consuming part. (Could questions be asked in advance via the tellers?)
- RECOMMENDATION: The committee's recommendation is to hold the conference at some point within the dates currently specified for the conference and pre-conference activities at Wikimana 2014.
- (Distant) second preference: Hold WikiConference UK 2014 in September at a location to be determined
EduWiki conference 2013
- TS is looking for clarity in terms what role ConfCom will play in the event
- The education commitee will not be directly involved in the organisation of the conference
- HJM would like to see ConfCom involved in EduWiki and in all UK Wikimedia conferences in the future
- On-wiki job list?
- ConfCom can advise on schedule
- ACTION:: TS to update ConfCom via its mailing list as planning for EduWiki progresses.
- Date of next meeting TBD va maiing list - may be needed after July board meeting (possibly depending on board's decision on 2014 AGM) and/or later to discuss EduWiki; meeting with JK/ES at a time to suit them is desirable