IT Development/Technology committee meetings/Agenda 2015-06-08
The next meeting of the Technology Committee will take place on Monday 8th June from 16:00 to 17:30. This meeting will take place online (connection details below). Some attendees may join from the WMUK office.
Minutes will be taken on etherpad and published on this wiki.
Connection details
- Online participation will take place via Mumble, channel: wikimedia-uk/wikimedia-uk-techcomm (further details at en:WP:Mumble). Those unfamiliar with Mumble should join 10 minutes early to test their connections.
- In-person in the WMUK office - please contact Richard Nevell (richard.nevell in order to arrange attendance by this means.
It's helpful to whoever chairs the meeting if they have a reasonable idea in advance of who will be attending. So if you expect to attend the meeting, please sign in this section. If you can only make part of the meeting, please make a note of that as the agenda can be arranged to fit items to participants. If you're a regular but can't make it, then feel free to give your apologies here:
Intending to be present
- Richard Nevell (WMUK)
- MichaelMaggs
- Charles Matthews
- Harry Burt
- RexxS (talk)
Apologies in advance
Previous Minutes
IT Development/Technology committee meetings/Minutes 2015-04-30
- Chair for this meeting
- Apologies
- Minutes of the previous meeting
- Minutes require approval
- Matters arising from the previous minutes, not otherwise covered on this agenda
- Strategy and forward-look
- Future of this committee / working group (c.f. Volunteer Strategy Consultation)
- Launchpad
- Moodle next steps
- Date and chair of next meeting
IT Development/Technology committee meetings/Minutes 2015-06-08