IT Development/Technology committee meetings/Minutes 17 June 2014
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- Richard Nevell (RN) Chairing
- Carol Campbell (CC)
- Harry Burt (HB)
- Emmanuel Engelhart (EE)
- Doug Taylor (DT)
- Mike Peel (MP)
- Joseph Seddon (JS)
- Charles Matthews (CM)
- Michael Maggs
Meeting began at 18:03
- Last minutes agreed as accurate.
Matters arising
- Mailing list changeover complete
- CM reported briefly on Sweden contact
- JS gave background. Posed question about whether we would be willing to take on the project. MP noted that WMF have set up a Maps & Geo team.
- HB voiced support for our involvement. Can we set up a "Geo-camp" in the UK to help build momentum?
- ACTION: JS and HB to draft proposal for event
- ACTION: JS to approach TF
- DT suggested a notice in WikimediaUK-l mailing list to engage interest.
- ACTION: JS to send notice
- HB asked if we can get OSM and other folks along to Wikimania.
- ACTION: JS to find out whether there are OSM people in attendance
- CC introduced the topic and is looking to get together a team to move forward.
- Putting together a list and hoping to have have a first meeting perhaps end of September/early October. Probably at WMUK Office. CC will be mailing people soon. Jon Davies has contacted Foundation Project on Accessibility. Template:Citation needed
- HB volunteered to be a link with the WikiProject.
- ACTION: HB to work with CC on accessibility
The is a submission about the Virtual Learning Environment at Wikimania. CM reported that he has been working with Stevie Benton on the three different projects we are engaged on for the VLE:
- Single-Sign On module for wiki-Moodle integration (looking for quote)
- Magnus Manske's quiz creation tool
- Transclusion of content into Moodle (looking for quote)
Date and Chair of next meeting
HB to chair next meeting.
- Aiming for mid-July
Scoping Exercise
RN to speak JS urged TechComm to speak to Tom to help shape the strategy.
- EE will load an extension to block Tor nodes tonight.
- HB described the problem of blocking legitimate users who are using Tor to circumvent local censorship.
- MP looking for someone to organise Tech Workshop.
Meeting closed at 18:41