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These minutes were approved at the Board meeting on 20 October 2009.

Wikimedia UK Board meeting Sunday 11th October 2009, 1pm at the London Wikmeet, Penderel's Oak pub, Holborn WC1 (in person)

Present: Michael Peel (MP) (Chair); Andrew Turvey (AT) (minutes); Steve Virgin (SV); Zeyi He (ZH); Paul Williams (PW); Joseph Seddon (JS)

Apologies: Tom Holden (TH)

The meeting was an opportunity to discuss in person and with other chapter supporters at the London wikimeet the various strategic issues that the chapter was dealing with. The discussion is summarised below.


Discussion focussed on the inefficiencies of IRC meetings. It was agreed to trial running an hour-long discussion on Skype, to be following by an hour long decision making meeting on IRC. MP will arrange for the next meeting.


Fundraising Agreement

AT and MP updated the Board on the IRC discussion that they had had with the Wikimedia Foundation's Head of Fundraising. An alterative fallback position was discussed, where the Foundation would be asked to provide an explanation of how our donation to them would be spent. AT and MP will continue to liaise with the WMF.


There was a discussion about how the funds raised by the Fundraising would be applied.

Schools project

PW has had an approach from the Brasilian Wikimedia group who run a similar project to the proposed Schools Project. He will arrange to have the material translated, which will give the project a boost. PW will also approach his school regarding a letter of invitation so we can start to obtain CRB checks.


Based on these developments, it was agreed to continue with the project but to review again at the end of November if no progress has been made.

Volunteers director

PW confirmed that he wanted to continue as Volunteers director and there was a discussion about what the role should entail, particularly the membership drive.

AT and SV left at 4pm

The meeting closed at 6pm