Meetings/2009-12-29/Agenda/Secretary's Report

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  • AT to ask about Ian Hawkins filming the AGM on the email list and with OKFN and to ask Ian Hawkins if we could have a copyright-free copy of his filming. Go-next-red.svg Carried forward
  • MP to follow up with WildScreen. MP has discussed this with AT who will carry forward Go-next-red.svg Carried forward
  • AT and MP to negotiate the Chapter Fundraising Agreement with the Foundation X mark.svg Cancelled (see Chair's Report)
  • AT agreed to write up a proposed Initiative to support the Celtic League project and to update the Celtic League. Go-next-red.svg Carried forward
  • AT will develop a proposal for a projector Go-next-red.svg Carried forward
  • AT to draft an email to the Foundation re problems X mark.svg Cancelled
  • AT agreed to inform the Charity Commission when we come to a conclusion on CRB checks.Go-next-red.svg Carried forward
  • AT agreed to approach 9 Stone Buildings for a quote for our fundraising agreement and a second solicitor for a quote for charity status.Go-next-red.svg Carried forward
  • Minutes of meetings on 30 October and 3 November are still outstandingGo-next-red.svg Carried forward
  1. I took a phone call from someone asking advice on reusing Wikipedia images commercially. I emailed him links to this and other guidance.
  2. I had a holding response from the Charity Commission which I forwarded to the board
  3. I have received a number of donation cheques which I will forward to Tom.
  4. I have contacted Fraser Brown about a second quote for our charity status work and are meeting them on Wednesday 6th Jan.
  5. I received a Christmas card from Wikimedia Hungary!