Meetings/2010-02-09/Agenda/Conferences's Report
- Actions
- JS to draft an email for the Open Knowledge Foundation mailing list, to recruit new members.
- JS to get more details about AGM costs: [1]
- JS will contact Wikipedia for Schools to see if they need any help with their latest version. He will also contact DCMS and SV's MP contact to see if they can help distribute copies to schools.
- JS and MP will do a timeline and budget for GLAM-WIKI after the meeting.
Carried forward - per action
- MP and JS to arrange the Britain Loves Wikipedia logo/leaflet design
- MP, AT and JS to approve Britain Loves Wikipedia rules
- JS to attend Wildscreen ARKive launch
Carried forward - February 10th
Wording for email
Over the last year Wikimedia UK has grown and matured into a functioning chapter and we are actively trying to free knowledge in the UK through the 9 Wikimedia Projects that we support. Following on from our successful fundraiser which resulted in £40,000 of donations. Wikimedia UK wants to look forward and expand the chapter so that we can continue with the momentum we have built up over the past year.
Given the close ideals that there are between Wikimedia UK and the Open Knowledge Foundation, we feel that strengthening the relationship between the two organisations would be in both our interests.
We would like to invite supporters of the Open Knowledge Foundation to become members of Wikimedia UK to support us in our mission of disseminating knowledge freely both in the uk and accross the globe.
Musuem ID seminar
I was one of 5 speakers at a museum social media conference in london on Wednesday 27 January.
Britain Loves Wikipedia
Provided support for the launch on Sunday 31 January.
Museum Next
Attempting to a get a speaking slot at the MuseumNext conference that occurs at the end of april.