Minutes 2010-04-24a
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Wikimedia UK Board meeting Saturday 24th April 2010, 6:30pm BST in person
Present: Andrew Turvey (AT) (Chair); Mike Peel (MP); Tom Dalton (TD); Steve Virgin (SV)
Absent: Joseph Seddon (JS)
Apologies for absence
JS was unable to make the meeting due to travel difficulties
Approval of agenda
The agenda was not approved, but it was followed anyway.
Noting the election of the new Board
The election was noted. AT mentioned that the tellerswikimedia.org.uk had been faulty for part of the election. He has discussed with the tellers the risk that voters placed a vote when it wasn't working and the vote wasn't counted. The tellers said that they had acknowledged every vote and no-one had emailed to say their vote had not been acknowledged. The only different outcome could have arisen would be if the bottom two candidates had failed to reach 50%. It was agreed to accept the result as it was announced.
Vote of thanks to outgoing board members
A vote of thanks was offered to outgoing board members. It was agreed to send them a small gift in thanks for their service, as well as a small gift to the tellers and speakers, from WMUK funds.
What Board positions to have, and elections to those positions
- AT was unanimously elected to Chair
- MP was unanimously elected to Secretary
- TD was unanimously elected to Treasurer
- SV and JS were appointed as Directors, with no fixed title.
All to write down their envisaged role descriptions
Handover and items in progress from outgoing Board
Not covered, due to the overlap between the previous and new board.
General review with outgoing board of what went well during their tenure and what to improve on
Not covered due to a lack of time.
Transfer of authority to new board
Location of Registered Office
It was agreed that the registered office would remain at 23 Cartwright Way.
General authority per section 82, Charities Act 1993
Not covered.
Bank account signatories
It was agreed to update these to TH and AT, as well as MP.
Transfer of administration of Wikimedia website, mailing lists, Twitter account, email addresses, ...
On the whole these remain the same. It was agreed to add MP to help administrate the wikimediauk-l mailing list.
Access to Wikimedia internal wiki and mailing list
These need to be updated to reflect the new board. Also the chapters mailing list.
Frequency and format of future board meetings
It was decided to hold future meetings monthly, with a duration of 3 hours, via Skype. Content for discussion at board meetings should be set out clearly and discussed before the meeting, and email decisions should be made where possible.
Ongoing projects
Not covered.
Planned projects and activities (inc. 2010 Budget)
Not covered.
Office Manager
Not covered.
Backstage Pass
Not covered.
General discussion about plans and visions for the next year and further
Not covered.
Any Other Business
Steve brought up an issue with regards an initiative/content release/schools project. It was agreed that further discussion on this should be by email, preferably to the wikimediauk-l list.
It was agreed to produce new business cards for AT, MP, TH, SV, as well as more general information cards (2x200, sent to different people?)
- Action AT