Minutes 8Jun13b

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These minutes were approved at the Board meeting on 7 December 2013.

Minutes of the board meeting held from 17:42 to 19:07 on 8 June 2013 at Deans Sport and Leisure Centre at Lincoln College following the WMUK AGM 2013.


The meeting started at 17:42.


  • Chris Keating [CK] (Chair)
  • Mike Peel [MP] (Secretary)
  • Saad Choudri [SC]
  • Greyham Dawes [GD]
  • Michael Maggs [MM]
  • Alastair McCapra [AM]
  • Ashley Van Haeften [Fae]


  • Jonathan Cardy [JC] (minutes)
  • Daria Cybulska [DC]
  • Jon Davies [JD]

Other members:

  • James Knight [JK]
  • Doug Taylor [DT]

Apologies for absence

There were no apologies.

Approval of agenda

The proposed agenda was agreed.

Noting the election

The election of the new board members was noted.

Vote of thanks

There was a vote of thanks to retiring board members, the tellers, and the AGM speakers.


There was a brief run-through of a reading list for new trustees. GD explained that the core reading list comprised of the constitution, and the presented chapter on directors duties from the NCVO guidebook. There was discussion of a Board orientation & teambuilding session - and an open invitation to new trustees for a day in the office.

ACTION: CK to ensure that the 13/14 July 2013 Board meeting includes some orientation and team building.

AM identified movement history and structure as a priority for his induction.

Declarations of interest

CK asked whether anyone has any conflicts of interest about items on the agenda; there were none raised.

In-camera discussion

The board went in-camera from 17:58 to 18:15; the minutes for this session are recorded separately.

Assignment of officials

DECISION: GD will continue as Treasurer.

CK announced that he would be standing down as Chair by the end of the year, and MP announced he would be standing down as Secretary later in the year.

There was then a discussion on Board roles. Fae suggested that the role of Vice Chair had value and should be retained. CK suggested that the obvious gaps included lack of women, SC said he was aware of some possibilities. GD suggested that names be given to the Governance Committee. Fae opined that appointing people who had been clearly defeated at election would be inappropriate.

Fae proposed and SC seconded reappointment of Secretary, Treasurer and Chair. Unanimously agreed.

DECISION: MP, GD and CK were reappointed as Secretary, Treasurer and Chair.

Governance Committee

ACTION: The Governance Committee is to consider appointment of a Vice Chair and co-options.
DECISION: CK, MP, and GD were reappointed to the Governance Committee. MM was also unanimously appointed to the Governance Committee.
ACTION: Board to review the Governance Committee in July.

Audit and Risk Committee

DECISION: GD and Fae were reappointed to the Audit and Risk Committee. AM to replace DT on the committee.

Education Committee

CK proposed that SC be board liaison for the education committee. SC seconded, and the decision was unanimous.

DECISION: SC to be board liaison for the education committee, replacing DT.

Tech Committee

DECISION: MP to continue in his current role on the Tech Committee.

At this point in the meeting, MP reminded all present of the Declarations of Interest policy and process.

Bank account signatories

DECISION: MM is to replace DT as a signatory on the reserve accounts (currently the Principality account).

Reallocation of budgetholders

DECISION: DT to remain as a budget holder for the moment.
ACTION: The Audit and Risk committee is to review budget holder responsibilities.

Items over £5,000

DECISION: It was agreed that the Board would authorise a payment of £8,273.99 to the Natural History Museum for a WiR position.

Wikimania 2013

There was a discussion as to chapter representatives at Wikimania Hong Kong on 7/11 August 2013. These will be:

  • CK, JD plus 7 volunteers
  • CK, SC, and AM going as WMUK board members
  • MP will also be in attendance, but in his role as an FDC member rather than a WMUK trustee.

Briefing from former trustees

ACTION: DT to conduct a briefing to new trustees offline.

Wikimania 2014

Garfield Byrd and Ellie (from the WMF) are coming to the UK on 29 July 2013, and hopefully will book the Barbican and various hostels for the WMF.

GD queried budget: is this something we will be paying for? How much will it cost WMUK? CK explained that WMF would treat Wikimania and the WMUK annual funding grant as two separate things. JK explained that WMF want to run major transactions through their accounts, but that donations might be best going to WMUK, as a registered charity.

Future meetings

CK has planned for quarterly weekend meetings and interim telephone meetings. MP, however, advocated planning longer meetings as he was worried that there would not be enough time to discuss all the issues in a one-day meeting. The point was also raised that non-London meetings need to be where there is good public transport.

The meeting closed at 19:07.