Proposal of a technological platform for the production of technical articles and course completion work
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Basic information
- Project Title (If applicable)
- System of Management of Production of Articles and Works of Conclusion of Courses (SGPAT)
- Proposed by
- Are you currently a member of Wikimedia UK?
- NO
Project description
- Briefly describe the issue or problem that motivates this application. What needs are you meeting?
- Four elements of demand were identified in the production of scientific articles and course completion work.
Requirement: There are requirements in the lato sensu graduate courses in the production of technical articles and course completion work.
- Quality of the final products: The low quality of the articles produced and the difficulty of the supervisors to manage the research projects due to the limited access to the databases of the references and sources used in the production of course completion work.
- The use of non-indexed references: The undergraduate courses, as well as the post-graduate studies, are used from sources of non-indexed bibliographical references that are relevant to the research, but which need to be validated by the research advisors regarding their methodologies, So that they can be used in the researchers' work.
- Structuring of shared personal libraries: The production of these scientific works requires the use of a library of references that must be shared with the other authors or guiding the research.
- Formatting of final papers: Research papers can be used for submission to different congresses, seminars, journals and scientific journals and require different formatting of texts according to the different standards applied for their publication.
- Describe project activities. What will you use the funding to do?
- Funding is primarily for the costing of human resources to be employed in the development of the management platform.
- Describe your plan for evaluating this project. How will you measure success? What types of things will you measure (e.g. content, participants)?
- The performance evaluation of this project will be measured by the number of contributors producing content and by the volume queries to the tests that will be made available by the researchers
- Identify key people involved in this project. How will or could the wider Wikimedian community be involved?
- Sérgio Luiz Hoeflich, Thiago Paixão, Mauricio Fontoura Blos and Helios Malebranche Olbrisch Freres Filho, Nelson Nakamura, William Rego. The Wikimedian community will benefit from the validation of the taxonomy or nomenclature of the risks that should be the contents of proof of concept and pilot project. As one of the objectives is to validate the taxonomy of the terms used in the platform, the Wikimedian community should be one of the main end users.
- If applicable, identify partnering organisations for this project (not essential)
- The use of videos as a tool will require the partnership with platforms such as youtube or similar, to support the complementary phase of the project. Organizations or institutions that offer security applications to guarantee areas of collective production of content should be considered.
If you feel that there is more information that could be for example resources needed, how successes can be measured, and how it fits in with the aims of Wikimedia and Wikimedia UK. Please note that these answers don't have to be definite now, and can be expanded on in conversation with the programme team.
- What targets have you set? What will you measure?
- The measurable goals are basically the number of people connected, producing and sharing content, as well as the number of queries made on the content produced. Another complementary option is to measure the degree of impact of content produced in indexed publications.
- What contribution will the project make to our strategic goals?
- The SGPAT is a production and content tool based on the concept of collective production or hyperautoria and aims to be part of this global movement to offer educational content in a global context.
- Who will be recording/measuring the project metrics, and writing up a project report?
- Thiago Paixão
- What staff support is being requested?
- In the development phase, human resources will be required to develop the application. Before defining the quantity, qualification and time of human resources availability a detailed plan of project development must be developed.
- How can you get other volunteers involved? What roles could they have?
- Involvement of volunteers can be done from the initial stage of development of the platform. They can be content producers and system developers.
- What meeting or other space is needed?
- Meeting and place spaces are required to enable the development of the platform and its applications
- Are other resources needed (such as computers, books, camera equipment, food, contacts, infrastructure)? How will they be sourced?
- In the stage of specifying the platform and proof of concept will be necessary infrastructure of internet, computers and human resources and their support (transport and food). In the development phase of the system will require servers with scalable capacity, as well as professional video equipment for professional recording of tutorials
- If any partner organisations have been identified, have they been contacted and are they committed?
- For this project an initial contact was already made with the Genesis Institute of PUC Rio, but we must validate if they remain interested for a future commitment to the projec
- Does this project require more extensive funding? What would any WMUK funds be used for?
This project will require greater funding, as there will be a need to develop security systems for the legal protections of content producers. This feature is for proof of concept and pilot project.
- Are external funds needed that we can apply for? If so where will they be sought?
- To implement the project, the Genesis Institute of PUC Rio has shown interest in financing, as it has a program of angel financiers.
- Are there any resources that you can contribute? Such as equipment.
- Currently each participant has a notebook and broadband internet access.
Are there any contact details available? Richard Nevell (WMUK) (talk) 10:12, 17 March 2017 (GMT)