Wiki Loves Monuments brainstorm/Notes
Start: 13:00 [delayed?] End: 17:30 (times are indicative)
- Welcome, coffee, stroopwafels
- 10 mins Introduction by Lodewijk
- Listed buildings
- Scheduled monument
- Royal Commission on scheduled monuments in Scotland
- National Archives of Scotland already has a relationship and a body of images that might be released - Fæ and Brian McNeil as POCs?
- Cadw in Wales
- 10 mins Q&A
- 10 mins Timeline
- 13:45 - 15 min break
- 30 mins (!) Geograph update
- Inventory:
- 20 mins Opportunities brainstorm
- 20 mins Potential issues & allocate problem owners where needed
- 20 mins Localism - make it scale
- 15:30 - 15 min break
- 15-30 mins So what would be needed to make this work in the UK? Specifically: funds, people, office support, technology, external relationships with organizations and external funding bodies - NOT judging
- 15-30 mins What would be the most important next steps
- 16:45 break
- Most important next steps
- Discuss general viability
- Summarize outcomes and action points + homework
If time's left over: develop some more specific cool ideas.
Part 1 - 13:00-14:00
- Charles Matthews chairing.
- Running through the agenda, allocating time for each item.
Lodewijk's introduction and Q&A
Monuments is broader than just memorials; buildings, structures etc.
Wiki Loves Art: Going to GLAMs and taking photos of art.
WLM first came about in 2010. 2011 was the first european-wide WLM contest. 165,000 good quality images an 4000 new Commons contributors. there were 500 people who submitted at least one photo. 2012 is worldwide - not just in Europe.
What to include in the project. We have to be careful how much we let be encompassed under the WLM umbrella less we lose the identity of the project.
Establishing the timeline
Lot of the work is building the pages on Wikipedia and structuring them so that they are of use to the audience. Heightened by fragmented nature of rules/local exceptions (e.g. Wales vs. England vs. ...)
"Geograph issues"
WSC explains idea behind geograph. A.k.a. Wiki loves fenceposts. Digestion problem? Wants participants to search first, shoot later.
- WSC presented on Geograph (1.7 million images of the UK on Commons; 10x Wikiloves Monuments to date)
- Opportunity for a better bot. "Digestion" is a key issue as there is a massive backlog of decent quality categorization. Bots are limited, still need human intervention to make real sense of images.
- For '99%' of villages we have an image somewhere on the Geograph categories.
- Could have a population normalized heatmap of districts in the UK which would help potential uploaders assess the impact they might have in taking photographs. --> suggestion: make a listed building-normalized heatmap?
- Side discussion on the value of how multiple images may be used.
Potential issues & allocate problem owners where needed
(Partially covered by Geograph discussion, above)
- Running one UK-wide competition or "national" (E/W/S/NI) one? RoI? IoM? etc. - who to decide?
- Met Police "taking photos is not a crime" style-letter? Letter of authority pointing back to WMUK. - who to write?
- Guidance/Code of practice needed for UK WLM - who to write?. "If you have any doubt, please ask permission."
- Meshing with Open Monument Day?
- Need wider community involvement
Museum photography (generally important ideas):
- Judging model, classes of prize, criteria, scope - who to decide? Potentially partners-based?
- National Trust, NST
- Heritage bodies - TNA, Scottish National Archives,
- Councils
- Camera manufacturers/shops/magazines
- Universities/colleges - architectural/
- Arts councils/etc.
- Newspapers with media libraries - Guardian?/BBC/...?
- Outreach
- (Action on the new Communications Manager to form a WLM channels strategy)
- Historical societies
- Schools
- Local museums
- Amateur photographer centre
- Historic events photos? - War period photos? Pre-War? Vanished London, (old) Coventry Cathedral
- Scout/Guide movement - run a badge programme? [Opportunity!] The NYC community talked to the Girl Guides there (IIRC).
- Hot air balloonists taking aerial photographs
- Ramblers Association?
- Age UK?
- Mothers' Union
- Open House weekend
- Architectural enthusiasts - Georgian Society,
- Church Magazines, Places of Worship, "British Archæology", a relevant BBC magazine?
- Kit as a central organisation - shopfront; WMUK will ship you some badges/manual/…;
Localism - make it scale
Major factors
- Scope
- subject contains an identified monument as per + some others?
- geography - UK & dependencies (Isle of Man, Falklands, Gibraltar, ...)
- time uploaded - must be uploaded to Commons within 00:01 UTC 01.ix.2012 through to 23:59 30.ix.2012
- time taken - any time ever
- copyright - taken by photographer, licensed under CC-BY-SA or CC-BY
- Judging model/awards criteria -
- Recruiting jury - someone each with heritage, technical photography and Wikipedia backgrounds; National Trust might want to sponsor a particular
- National split
- Badging/accrediation/letter for volunteers
- Guidance/code of practice
- Wider community input
- Search for partners and sponsors
- Meshing with the categorisation effort
- Generic top-level outreach letter (one each for listing organisations; sponsor/judge; advertise) - "Hello, We are going to do <x>, we would like a meeting to discuss how we could work together on this, would this be possible? Kthxbai. - James F. to write and send to Steering Group
- Contact English Heritage - Pat Hadley? Fæ to progress with Maculosae tegmine lyncis, Hugh Corley
- Contact Historic Scotland - Brian McNeil? ?Fæ to progress (Scotland co-ordinator - when hired? There may be follow-up with Museums Galleries Scotland as part of this.)
- Contact Cadw? - Who? (Possibly Seddon?)
- Contact <NI organisation>? - Who?
- Co-ordinated approach with Daria (WMUK Programme Manager) - Steering Group to make happen - Daria will as part of her job...?
(A): LG to contact Europa Nostra to see if there are specific people to ask.
- BBC? - Who?
- Europeana? - LG -> put them in touch with <insert here> ?
- National Trust - Who? (MP: I've previously been in touch with National Trust about a similar concept, main problem is that they don't allow photography in their buildings for security reasons. Great. Outside of buildings are different though.)
- RIBA - Who?
- Open House - London? Suffolk? - Who?
- Local councils - Steering Group to take action. - First? Local Government Group?
Administration / Comms
- Creating pages about UK-WLM on Commons & create local timeline - Who?
- Blog post, e-mail to members about what we're doing and getting involved in the steering group (we need people in Wales!) - Rock drum
Blog post done (Wikimediauk-l, didn't see it?)
- JF to write e-mail to Multichill regarding copyright status of heritage lists.