Wikipedia Science Conference/Submissions/How do editors interact on article level and do they behave territorial
Personal details
- Your name
- Affiliation
GESIS Leibniz Institute for Social Sciences and Open Knowledge Foundation Austria, ContentMine, openscienceASAP,Open Knowledge Austria
- How can we contact you?
- Where will you be travelling from to attend this conference?
- Availability
All days.
Session details
- Conference themes
Which conference themes does your session address? Delete as appropriate. Follow the link for more details and links.
- Wikipedia and/or Wikimedia as platforms for research (including citizen science)
- Type of session
Indicate the session format by deleting as appropriate:
- Presentation (20 mins + 10 mins questions)
- Further details
Alternative title: Wikipedia in an Open Science workflow
This talk will give insight in the usage of Wikipedia for an open scientific workflow - from open data over open source to open access and open methodology. It shows the value of Open Data for science, the computational challenges of an open data chain and the goal to make the whole process reproducible and understandable. It describes problems and insights from the first research until the final results, always with focus on Wikepedia and Open Knowledge in general. For this, I will use my ongoing research about social interactions between editors on an article level in the English Wikipedia done at the GESIS Leibniz Institute for Social Sciences in Cologne. You can find out more about it on my blog.
Thank you for your proposal.