Wikisoba project/JSON-GIFT sample

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Here is an actual question from the WMUK VLE in GIFT, and its proposed kind of rendering in JSON (closely allied with Moodle XML format).


//Contacting Wikipedia and Wikimedia (B)

::Q3:: Author Philip Roth engaged during 2012 in a public debate with Wikipedia 
about the article on his book The Human Stain, and its coverage of 
the supposed inspiration for the central character Coleman Silk. 
What did this concern? 
{~Unsourced speculation on Wikipedia 
~Disinformation on Wikipedia 
=Information Roth had never previously made public
which contradicted published speculation of others}

The code here is easy enough to read: this is a multiple choice question (radio button type), with one correct answer signified by =, and two incorrect answers by ~.


This is a rough example of what is intended. See notes appended.

{"quizencodingversion": 0.1, "name": "A quiz converted from GIFT", "questions":


{"feedback": "", "answers":


{"feedback": "", "text": "Unsourced speculation on Wikipedia", "penalty": 0, "usecase": 0, "fraction": 0, "hidden": 0, "type": "shortanswerquestionanswer"},

{"feedback": "", "text": "Disinformation on Wikipedia", "penalty": 0, "usecase": 0, "fraction": 0, "hidden": 0, "type": "shortanswerquestionanswer"},

{"feedback": "", "text": "Information Roth had never previously made public which contradicted published speculation of others", "penalty": 0, "usecase": 0, "fraction": 100, "hidden": 0, "type": "shortanswerquestionanswer"}


 "questiontext": "Author Philip Roth engaged during 2012 in a public debate with Wikipedia 
about the article on his book The Human Stain, and its coverage of 
the supposed inspiration for the central character Coleman Silk. 
What did this concern?", 
"usecase": 0, "hidden": 0, "type": "shortanswer", "name": "Q3"}


"description": "The quiz has been converted from GIFT format"}


  1. There are "spare" fields here, that come from the XML export. A tidied-up version will drop any we can really do without.
  2. NB the type field probably shouldn’t be actually be "shortanswer" here, which presumably applies to questions where you type into a field as input. The official nomenclature of the different question types is something still to be decided.