Women in Science Workshop and Wiki Edit-a-thon October 2015

Please note this is a draft
- 12:50: Arrival at the School of Computer Science
- 13:00: Workshop starts, 5 Speakers (~5mins each) in Lecture Theatre LT 1.3
- 13:30: Panel discussion
- 14:00: Workshop ends & invitation to join the Women in Science Edit-a-thon in Tootill Laboratory 1
- 14:00-16:30: Women in Science Edit-a-thon
Workshop Speakers
- Ulrike Sattler, Professor of Computer Science, The University of Manchester
- Veneta Haralampieva, Final Year UG Student Computer Science (BSc with Industrial Experience), Company: Accenture.
- Fiona Crowther, Software Engineer, IBM Manchester
- Senior female speaker from Rolls Royce
- Yanyun Wu, Consultant statistician at Shell
Session Chair: Marie Emerson, Instrumentation Engineer, The University of Manchester
We are expecting between 25-40 people to attend the session. The target audience are female students, although all (male and female) students and staff (academic, research and support) are welcome. The vast majority of the audience will be from the University although the event is open externally too.
On the day the University is hosting a workshop followed by a Wikipedia Edit-a-thon event. Both will be held in the School of Computer Science, University of Manchester The aim of the half-day event is to celebrate Ada Lovelace who, this year, celebrates 200 years as a computer visionary. We hope to raise awareness of women in science, hear personal stories and help to improve (and increase) the content on Wikipedia's pages about female scientists.
The workshop speakers will share their stories about their personal journey, current position (and any progression) and experience as a woman in science. Speakers are encouraged to highlight the industry-academic links and share their experience working with (or alongside) industry and how this complements/enhances their career. They will share different skills acquired, future plans/aspirations, advice for others, choices made, challenges faced, hints/tips, support (initiatives/role models who have been supportive), positive changes you have seen for women, how they maintain a work-life balance, etc. Also anything else that would be interesting and relevant to share about their story as a woman in a male-dominated field.
Dr Helen Ryder will give a brief overview (5mins) which will include the University’s current position in terms of gender equality and what we are currently doing to tackle underrepresentation.
Following the talks the speakers will come together to form a panel and there will be 15-20mins for comments, opinions and Q&A facilitated by the session chair.
The Wiki edit-a-thon will consist of basic training for new and inexperienced editors as well as updating and creating new profiles on Wikipedia. We are expecting around 30 people to be involved in the editing during the day.
Contact on the day: Helen Ryder, Athena SWAN Coordinator – 0161 306 5879
How do I prepare?
- Sign up for the event (see above)
- Create a Wikipedia account - w:en:Special:UserLogin/signup
- Desktop workstations will be available for anyone who wants one, bring a laptop if you have one (wi-fi will be provided),
- Learn about editing if you like: Wikipedia Tutorial, or Getting started on Wikipedia for more information
- Think about what you would like to edit about - you can even prepare some materials to bring with you on the day (see below)
- We will be following the RockPocket Training session
Target list for the editathon
- See Female Fellows of the Royal Society, e.g. Lisa Jardine, Natalie Strynadka, Julia Slingo, Anne Cutler, Annette Dolphin, Alison Etheridge and Yvonne Elsworth
- See en:User:T. Anthony/Women in Red for an example of an editor who has collected names of women who have articles on other language wikipedias, but not on the English Wikipedia. A number of these are scientists. Anyone can create their own list and share it with us. (more to follow)
We will need at least 3, but no more than 5 trainers for the event. Volunteers interested in being involved please sign below: