Agenda 11Sep10

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Wikimedia UK Board Meeting Agenda
Saturday 11 September 2010, 10.30am-5.30pm BST
In-person meeting, Better Bankside Community Space, London

  1. 10.30-12.30 - Part 1 - Normal Business
    1. (10.30) AT - Apologies for absence
    2. (10.31) MP - Approval of Minutes 10Aug10
    3. (10.40) MP - Email decisions:
      1. Office Manager interviews
    4. (10.41) Actions and reports
      1. (10:41) AT - Chair (Andrew Turvey)
      2. (10:50) MP - Secretary (Mike Peel)
      3. (11:00) TD - Treasurer (Thomas Dalton)
      4. (11:10) SV - Steve
      5. (11:20) JS - Seddon
    5. (11:30) Break
    6. (11:40) Decisions needed
      1. (11:40) MP - GLAM-WIKI: approval of budget, outline schedule
      2. (12:00) TD - Fundraiser update - see Minutes 20Jul10
      3. (12:10) MP/JS - AGM update - see Minutes 10Aug10
      4. (12:20) MP/TD - Microgrants update - see Minutes 8Jun10
      5. (12:25) AOB
        1. MP: Wikipedia's 10th birthday events: edit day in London / VIP event (see Jimmy's email)
  2. 12.30-13.30 - Break for lunch
  3. 13.30-15.30 - Part 2 - Retrospective
    1. (13:30) Chair - Meetings/2010-05-04#Andrew_.28AT.29_-_8:00
    2. (13:45) Secretary - Meetings/2010-05-04#Mike_.28MP.29_-_8:15
    3. (14:00) Treasurer - Meetings/2010-05-04#Tom_.28TD.29_-_8:30
    4. (14:15) Seddon - Meetings/2010-05-04#Seddon_.28JS.29_-_8:45
    5. (14:25) Steve - Meetings/2010-05-04#Steve_.28SV.29_-_9:00
    6. (12:35) Break
    7. (12:45) TD - 2010 Budget
  4. 15.30 - 16.00 Break
  5. 16.00 - 17:30 Part 3 - Forward planning
    1. (16:00) "Book Sprint" - Wikimedia UK in 2013 and how we get there (including Executive Directors Committee)
    2. (16:45) Break
    3. (16:50) 2011 Budget
    4. (17:20) Final AOB