Blog posts/Geograph images
Wikimedia Commons reaches 6 million files with the upload of 250,000 Geograph images

Around 250,000 images from the Geograph British Isles Project have recently been uploaded to Wikimedia Commons. One of these is a picture of a beautiful landscape setting, featuring sailing on Ullswater in the Lake District—which has become the six millionth file on Wikimedia Commons. This comes less than five months since Wikimedia Commons reached 5 million images.
Wikimedia Commons is now one of the fastest growing and most popular Wikimedia projects. Mass uploads such as the images from the Geograph project have been happening in increasing numbers recently, including material from museums and archives, photographs released by US government departments and images from competitions like Britain Loves Wikipedia. In anticipation of further growth of the project, the Wikimedia Foundation have recently trebled the disk space available.
All Geograph images are available under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license, which means that they can be uploaded onto Wikimedia Commons and reused freely by everyone. These 250,000 files are only the start—Geograph has over 1.6 million freely licensed images from across the UK available. See the Geograph category on Wikimedia Commons for all of the images uploaded so far.