Wikimedia UK Board meeting Tuesday 9th June 2009, 8:30pm BST at #wikimedia-uk-board
Present: Michael Peel (MP) (Chair); Steve Virgin (SV); Joseph Seddon (JS); Paul Williams (PW)
Apologies: Andrew Turvey (AT)(minutes); Tom Holden (TH) and Zeyi He (ZH), all for late arrival
Minutes of the previous meetings
The minutes of the meetings dated 26 May and 2 June were approved.
The following actions have been carried forward:
1. JS to send the tokens of our appreciation to the retiring Directors, tellers and external speakers.
2. TH to contact the bank to notify them of the new directors, to change the signatories to any two of MP, AT and TH and to set up AT and MP on the online banking. MP, ZH, SV and JS to return to TH the forms they have received.
ACTION: TH, ZH, SV Doing..., MP, JS
3. MP to organise transfer of to WMUK.
4. AT will send the opt out email re Phorm once has been transferred.
5. PW will continue to research what is needed to produce business cards for Wikimedia UK officials.
6. PW agreed to start pushing membership and organise the Membership/Drive page.
7. MP, SV, JS agreed to send suggestions on membership to PW by 9 June.
8. SV, MP, JS to collate press response template list
9. ZH to prepare a timeline for WMUK initiatives.
10. TD agreed to contact the gazette on behalf of WMUK to solicit a pro-bono lawyer
11. TH + MP agreed to contact pro bono lawyer groups by email
ACTION: TH + MP Carried forward
12. JS to copy the standard templates from OTRS for use in the press response template
13. JS to clarify if the offer of help from WJBScribe means formal written advice that can be relied upon or informal word of mouth assistance.
ACTION: JS Doing... awaiting response
14. The cost to attend the Online Information 2009 (1-3 Dec, London) conference is £400/day/person (£400 for the 3 days for registered charities). JS will confirm whether speakers have to pay this fee.
ACTION: JS Carried forward to circa. July 6th.
15. In the event that speakers do have to pay the fee, SV will look into getting a slot in a fringe event instead.
16. Once this is established, JS, MP, AT will work on a submission
17. The Vega Science Trust, a not-for-profit publishing material on the internet; JS and SV will follow up with a call to discuss collaboration opportunities.
ACTION: JS; SV Doing... Contact is presently out of office. Will continue to try and arrange a meeting.
18. Bairds, a public affairs consultancy who may be able to help regarding funding for Welsh language projects. JS and SV will follow up to discuss collaboration opportunities.
ACTION: JS; SV Carried forward untill further notice (See coporate relations report)
19. The Red Maids school regarding the wikischools idea. JS and SV will progress
ACTION: JS; SV Carried forward to first meeting in August in preparation for new academic year 2009/2010 (See coporate relations report)
20. AT to thank the pro-bono lawyer for his offer of help, explain the Board has decided to respond to HMRC ASAP; if this is not successful we may then seek legal advice so would be grateful for assistance then if it's still available and would they be prepared to advise us on the chapters agreement.
Matters arising
SV has followed up on the BBC email and has reported back by phone to MP, AT and JS. SV agreed to phone TH, PW and ZH to inform them of progress.
ZH joined the meeting
PW will circulate the designs of the WMUK business cards
TH joined the meeting
AT joined the meeting
PW will send AT a copy of the Wikimedia chapters design template
TH will send AT a copy of the template he's been using for correspondence.
AT will forward a copy of the HMRC response letter to WMF to ask them for comments, particularly ways to expand Appendix A.
TH will forward Appendix B to his barrister friend for comments.
AT will post to the HMRC, incorporating the comments on format and content received, aiming for the end of the week.
AT has unsubscribed SV from internal-L and chapters-L at his request due to the volume of posts. It was agreed to subscribe JS to internal-L in our fifth place.
The Board asked the signatories to agree to the resolution at Meetings/2009-06-09/Resolutions and TH, AT and MP formally did so.
TH has received a donation of £20 which has been acknowledged.
Current bank balance is £264.85, but a further claim for AGM expenses is expected from AT.
It was suggested that we should not be too critical of journalists who get details wrong and should not necessarily ask for errors in stories to be corrected unless they negatively impact on our image.
It was agreed to add HMRC and the ArbCom issues to our press templates.
MP has also been contacted by the BBC World Service regarding the Scientology issue.
MP has held discussions with the Manchester Museum of Science and Industry regarding a potential initiative there.
Corporate relations
SV and JS are meeting the University of Western England July 14 to discuss collaboration.
JS has sent some information from Manchester Tourist Board to the other directors. He is arranging meetings over the summer to visit venues.
IRC Logs
It was agreed to continue publishing the logs of old meetings online.
Domain names
MP to investigate what other domains names are available so that the Board can decide whether to request ownership ourselves or enable the WMF to own them.
PW will develop the newsletter by 14 June and distribute before the next meeting, in line with the plan to bring the newsletter dates forward.
Next meeting
Next meeting was arranged for Tuesday 23rd June, 8:30pm at #wikimedia-uk-board
Meeting closed at 22:32.