Wikimedia UK Board meeting Tuesday 15th November 2009, 8:30pm BST on Skype
Present: Mike Peel (MP) (Chair); Andrew Turvey (AT) (minutes); Tom Holden (TH) (part); Steve Virgin (SV); Joseph Seddon (JS); Tom Dalton (TD)
Apologies: Zeyi He (ZH); Tom Holden (early departure)
Absent: Paul Williams (PW)
Meeting location
It was discussed to hold the meeting on Skype using #wikimedia-uk-board for IRC messaging so that chapter supporters can participate.
Approval of the minutes of the meeting dated 2009-11-17 was deferred again at the request of SV.
The minutes of the meeting of 2009-12-01 were approved. The following actions were carried forward:
- JS to draft an email for the Open Knowledge Foundation mailing list, to recruit new members.
- MP to investigate moving our wiki at to subject to technical feasibility re Single User Logins and hosting, with as a potential alternative. Once this has been completed, MP to follow up with Wikimedia Ukraine regarding the "uk." website conflict.
- JS agreed to follow up with his contacts at the BBC Digital Revolution and click and get them in touch with the Workplace Learning Lunches.
- MP to register as a domain name
- MP to arrange CRB checks for board members and Schools Project volunteers. (update: MP will look into the recent legislative changes to see if that changes our position)
- MP agreed to investigate moving our OTRS system to one hosted by ourselves to reduce the risk that confidential emails are inappropriately viewed by non-WMUK people or emails are sent in the name of the chapter without approval.
- MP agreed to follow up with the foundation his request for detailed statistics on the proportion of UK internet users who use Wikipedia
- AT to ask about Ian Hawkins filming the AGM on the email list and with OKFN and to ask Ian Hawkins if we could have a copyright-free copy of his filming.
- AT/MP to follow up with WildScreen
- AT and MP to negotiate the Chapter Fundraising Agreement with the Foundation
- SV to draft a December newsletter
- AT agreed to write up a proposed Initiative to support the Celtic League project and to update the Celtic League.
- TH to update registers for members 36-43
- MP will send out the agreed wikinews press release when the story next flares up (Sunday evening was suggested as generally a good time)
- AT agreed to help out with OTRS
- MP agreed to follow up the photo donation opportunity
Matters arising
AT's proposal for a computer and projector was discussed. The computer purchase was approved. It was agreed in principle to buy a projector, for use where we book a room for an event with no equipment. AT will develop a proposal for a projector - ACTION AT
The Fundraiser report was noted. It was agreed to send a letter to the Foundation complaining about the issues with the Fundraiser including:
- Donation landing pages which don't include the chapter option
- the 60/40 split
- The Fundraising agreement, which still hasn't been signed.
TD agreed to send an email to AT detailing the problems and he will draft an email to Sue, cc Eric and Rand.
Membership application 44 was considered in camera and approved, subject to the receipt of the bank trasfer. TD to forward details to TH and then TH to update the registers.
The Chair's report was noted.
The Secretary's report was noted. AT will respond to the two pieces of correspondence.
AT agreed to inform the Charity Commission when we come to a conclusion on CRB checks.
AT agreed to approach 9 Stone Buildings for a quote for our fundraising agreement and a second solicitor for a quote for charity status.
JS gave a verbal update. It has been confirmed that Wikimedia Deutschland will host the 2010 Chapters Meeting in Berlin on 18th April. Our AGM is on 24/25 April do there is no clash. JS asked the board for an indicative figure for how much WMUK is willing to contribute towards costs. It was suggested sponsorship could cover much of the costs. It was agreed the chapter could contribute between £500-£1,000, but more details were needed first.
(note: previous discussion)
Donor Privacy policy
It was noted that a Donor Privacy Policy is required per the Fundraising Agreement. AT agreed to draft a proposed agreement.
Next meeting
The next meeting was arranged for Tuesday 29th December, 8:30pm.