Meetings/2010-02-09/Agenda/Secretary's Report
< Meetings | 2010-02-09 | Agenda
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- Actions
- AT to ask about Ian Hawkins filming the AGM on the email list and with OKFN and to ask Ian Hawkins if we could have a copyright-free copy of his filming.
- AT agreed to write up a proposed Initiative to support the Celtic League project and to update the Celtic League.
- AT will develop a proposal for a projector
- AT agreed to approach 9 Stone Buildings for a quote for our fundraising agreement
- Minutes of meetings on 30 October and 3 November are still outstanding
- AT will amend the Child Protection Policy with regard to CRB checks as applicable.
Discuss (when I'm next there!)
- AT will respond to the two Wikipedia complaints received
- AT will post a copy of "Wikipedia for Schools" to JS
- AT will forward the four cheques he has received in the post to TH
- AT to forward the invitation to the launch of the Wildscreen ARKive 2010 project to JS
- AT to forward forward proof of his and MP's ID and address to Fraser Brown
- AT to register TD's appointment with Companies House
- AT to draft "straw man" Britain Loves Wikipedia rules to distribute to the email list for approval by MP, AT and JS following discussion by email and Skype by Friday 22nd so details could be incorporated into the leaflets.
- AT to contact and Robbies Photographics, who had sponsored last year's Wikipedia Loves Art.
- AT to share 2010 Budget decisions in principle with the community on the email list for feedback
- AT to obtain quotes for Trustee Indemnity and Public Liability insurance
- AT agreed to contact WMDE to get more details of what a Toolserver donation would be spent on
I've emailed the Charity Commission informing them of the contact details of our new solicitors on their request.