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This policy was approved by the Board on 12 December 2015 under Article 28. (approved revision, subsequent changes)
Changes to this policy are subject to board approval, and should be proposed either on the talk page or the Engine room

Approval history:

Delegation of authority to deal with membership applications, under paragraph 2.2(b) of the Articles of Association

The board hereby delegates to the chief executive under article 2.2(b) authority to deal with membership applications, as follows:

Applicants should be accepted:

  • who are known to the chief executive or to selected staff, and whose membership would not be expected to pose any problem, or
  • who are not known to the chief executive or selected staff, but whose applications look genuine and whose membership would not on the face of it be expected to pose any problem. There is no need to undertake any investigations unless an application appears suspicious.

'Selected staff' means any appropriate staff chosen by the CE (not necessarily the whole office).

Other applicants should not be turned down, but should be referred to Govcom for further consideration. These might include suspiciously fake-looking names, applicants suspected not to be in agreement with our aims or who may not comply with the obligations of membership, obvious attempts to pack the membership, multiple applications without cause using the same address, or anything else suspicious.


  • This note is not part of the delegation

The board resolved that applications should be processed as soon as possible and that if applications require to be reviewed by the board a small quorate panel of trustees could called upon rather than wait for the next scheduled board meeting.