Minutes 8Jun13a
These are the minutes of the Board meeting that was held from 12:45 until 14:53 on Saturday 8 June 2013 at Deans Sport and Leisure Centre, Lincoln.
The meeting started at 12:45.
- Chris Keating [CK] (Chair)
- Saad Chourdri |SC]
- Mike Peel [MP] (Minutes)
- Ashley Van Haeften [Fæ]
- Doug Taylor [DT]
- Greyham Dawes [GD]
Apologies for absence
There were none, as all trustees were present.
Confirmation of decisions
- To amend the Data Protection Policy (Aye: MP, CK, SC, DT; Nay: Fæ; Abstain: None; Absent: GD)
There was discussion about Fæ's objection ("This change appears to enable the Charity to use data in ways that there are currently no plans for it to do, and for which current users and members never gave permission for."), which was thought to be a reservation, but not a problem for us. The decision was confirmed.
Membership approvals
GD has been working on a recommendation for verifying new members. He is comfortable that we have a means of minimising the risk, which doesn't affect new members. This will be discussed at a future meeting.
CK moved for a vote on the new member applications, which are recorded on the office wiki. The result was:
- Aye: CK, SC, MP, DT, GD
- Nay: None
- Abstain: Fæ
As such, the new members were approved.
The board thanked DT for his time on the board.
The meeting was adjourned so that any additional membership applications can be processed. As no further individuals applied for membership, the meeting closed when the AGM voting began at 14:53.